Step 16.
Test the Black Jax anti- carjacking fea ture.
Refer to the
System Check
section in the
BlackJax 4
section of this binder.
Step 17.
Test the Digi tal/Tilt Mo tion Sen sor.
Arm the system and wait for 10 seconds (wait two-minutes if the wireloop delay was cut). Using a jack, raise the vehicle slowly and
the alarm will trigger at 1 degree. If not,
Wait a longer amount of time after arming prior to raising the vehicle.
Make sure the tilt sensor is properly mounted and connected.
Step 18.
Test the Prox im ity Sen sor.
Turn off any floures cent lights that may in ter fere with the sen sor.
Arm the sys tem.
Test the warn ing zone by bringing your hands and face to the win dow rap idly.
The warn ing buzzer sounds.
This is the cor rect re sponse, pro ceed to test the warn ing zone.
No re sponse
. Check the mount ing po si tion and sen si tiv ity ad just ment.
Test the trig ger zone by leaning in to the pas sen ger com part ment.
The full alarm sounds.
This is the cor rect re sponse, pro ceed to step 19.
No re sponse.
Check the mount ing po si tion and sen si tiv ity ad just ment.
Step 19.
Test the Night Vi sion fea ture.
Test 1:
Start the car and cover the light sen sor with your hand or an ob ject that blocks the light from the sen sor for 20 sec onds..
Headlights* turn on.
This is the correct response. Proceed to the next NightVision test (Test 2).
Headlights* do not turn on.
Check the connections to the light sensor.
Verify that the alarm detects ignition properly.
Check the headlight output wire for proper output.
Check the headlight input wire for proper input.
Test 2:
The en gine should still be run ning, and the head lights should still be turned on (Test 1). Shine a light into the light sen sor.
Headlights* turn off.
This is the correct response. Proceed to step 20.
Headlights* do not turn off.
Check the connections to the light sensor.
Verify that the alarm detects ignition properly.
Check the headlight output wire for proper output.
Check the headlight input wire for proper input.
*Head lights also re fers to dash board lights and run ning lights.
Step 20.
Test the In tel liS tart 4 Re mote Start Func tions.
Make sure the gear lever is in PARK, the hood is closed, and the emer gency brake is ON.
Test 1:
Press but ton 4 on the master re mote con trol or the
button on the companion remote.
Parking lights flash twice
, the en gine starts. Pro ceed to the next check.
Parking lights flash three times.
Check the ig ni tion switch con nec tion.
Parking lights flash four times.
Check the hood con nec tion.
Parking lights flash five times.
Check the brake con nec tions.
Parking lights flash six times.
Check the re verse light con nec tion.
Test 2:
Press the brake pedal.
The en gine shuts down.
This is the cor rect re sponse. Press button 4 to start the ve hi cle and pro ceed to the next check.
The en gine con tin ues to run.
Check the brake con nec tions.
Test 3:
Open the hood.
The en gine shuts down.
This is the cor rect re sponse. Press button 4 to start the ve hi cle and pro ceed to the next check.
The en gine con tin ues to run.
Check the hood con nec tions.
Test 4:
Insert the key into the ignition and try to crank the engine. The starter should not crank or grind. Push the brake pedal and
turn the ignition OFF. Press button 4 again to start the vehicle.
Avant Guard 4/699