Step 10.
Test the door trig ger cir cuit.
Rearm the sys tem. Wait at least 10 seconds (if the vehicle has delayed or dimming courtesy lights, be sure to wait until the interior
lights have turned off)
Use the key to unlock and open the driver’s door.
Siren sounds, Parking lights flash repeatedly.
This is the correct response, proceed to step 11. (You can silence the siren by
press ing but ton 1 on the re mote con trol or disarm by pressing button 1 two times.)
Siren does not sound immediately.
If the alarm does not sound im me di ate ly when one of the doors is opened, make sure that
that door’s pin switch is work ing prop erly and, when open, is con sis tently show ing less than 1.5 volts if the ve hi cle has
negative- switching door trig gers or more than +11 volts if the ve hi cle has positive- switching door trig gers, also make sure the
pin switch is connected to the correct wire. If not, then the door pinswitch is ei ther de fec tive or in need of clean ing.
Step 11.
Test the trunk trig ger cir cuit.
Arm the system, then use the key to unlock the trunk.
Si ren sounds im me di ate ly, Parking lights flash re peat edly.
This is the correct response, proceed to step 12. (You can silence
the siren by press ing but ton 1 on the re mote con trol or disarm by pressing button 1 two times.)
Alarm does not sound immediately.
If the alarm does not sound im me di ate ly, make sure that the trunk pin switch is work ing
prop erly and, when open, is con sis tently show ing less than 1.5 volts. Also make sure the trunk pin switch is connected to the
correct wire. If not, the trunk pin switch must be thor oughly cleaned or re placed.
Step 12.
Test the hood trig ger circuit.
Arm the system, then open the hood. The following should occur:
Si ren sounds im me di ate ly, Parking lights flash re peat edly.
This is the correct response, proceed to step 13. (You can silence
the siren by press ing but ton 1 on the re mote con trol or disarm by pressing button 1 two times.)
Alarm does not sound immediately.
If the alarm does not sound im me di ate ly, make sure that the hood pin switch is work ing
prop erly and, when open, is con sis tently show ing less than 1.5 volts. If not, the hood pin switch must be thor oughly cleaned or
re placed.
Step 13.
Test the In stant AutoArming fea ture.
Turn the ignition “ON” and let the car idle for 10 seconds. Turn the ignition “OFF,” then open and close the door. Wait five
Parking lights flash twice.
25 seconds later, the vehicle is passively armed
indicated by a rapidly flashing LED
. This is the
correct response, proceed to step 14.
System does not passively arm.
Make sure that Instant AutoArming has been programmed using the instructions on page 19.
Verify the door trigger connection (see step 9).
Step 14.
Test the In stant AutoArming By pass and Win dow Rol lUp By pass fea tures.
Disarm the system. Roll the windows down and turn the ignition to the “ON” position, then turn the ignition “OFF.”
One Chirp.
This is the correct response, wait 30 seconds to insure the system does not passively arm. Arm the vehicle, the
windows should not close. If the windows do close, then repeat the procedure of turning the ignition “ON,” then “OFF,” and
waiting for the confirmation chirp.
Step 15.
Test remote control range.
Stand approximately 100 feet from the vehicle and use the remote control to arm and disarm the system.
The AvantGuard 4 will re spond with the pre vi ously noted in di ca tions for arm ing and dis arm ing. If not:
Re po si tion the external receiver as high as possible high up un der the dash, or as high as possible in the windshield
pillar and as far as pos si ble from heavy wire looms and metal. Rotate the external receiver 90 degrees and re-test.
Make sure that the re mote con trol bat tery meas ures at least 11 volts
trans mit ting.
Make sure that the volt age at the con trol unit be tween the 5-amp fused power line and each of the two ground lines
meas ures at least 12.0 volts (if less, make sure both chas sis grounds are solid; if the grounds are solid, the ve hi cle battery
may need charg ing, serv ic ing or re place ment).
Avant Guard 4/699