LED flashes
Trig ger/sen sor in di ca tion
1 flash
Digital Dual-Zone Proximity Sensor
2 flashes
Optional OmniSensor
3 flashes
Digital Tilt/Motion Sensor
4 flashes*
Door Trigger
Not provided if the de layed cour tesy lights fea ture is ac ti vated
5 flashes
Trunk Trigger
6 flashes
Hood Trigger
7 flashes
An attempt was made to turn the ignition “ON” or start the engine while the system was armed
8 flashes
More than three consecutive incorrect valet codes were entered while the system was in BlackJax mode
9 flashes
BlackJax Activation
10 flashes
Power Interruption
If the
Prox im ity Sen sor
is in di cated, check the mount ing lo ca tion and sen si tiv ity set ting as noted in the
Sensor Adjustment
section on page 16. If one of the trig ger points is in di cated, check pin switch op era tion and check for shorts in the
trig ger line.
If the
tilt sensor
is indicated, check the mounting location and, if necessary, cut the small black wireloop (see diagram on
page 5) to enable the two-minute arming delay.
If the
door trig ger
is in di cated, ac ti vate the de layed cour tesy lights fea ture.
No chirps.
If there are no chirps, ver ify that the Chirps fea ture (col umn 2, row 1) is “On” and check the wir ing con nec tions as
noted in the
Self-Powered SmartSiren 4
sec tion on page 12.
NOTE: If none of the troubleshooting techniques described in steps 3 - 7 corrects the problem, perform the
following diagnostics:
Make sure the fuses are in the fuse hold ers.
Check the power and ground con nec tions.
Ver ify that the con trol unit con nec tors are prop erly in serted into the con trol unit.
Verify that the ig ni tion in put and out put wires are con nected to the true ig ni tion line instead of a 12V line. Find the
true ig ni tion line by fol low ing steps 1-4 of the
Starter and Ig ni tion Connections
sec tion on page 10.
Ver ify that the trans mit ters are pro grammed cor rectly.
NOTE: If the 20-amp fuse blows upon arm ing:
Disconnect the AvantGuard 4’s two Parking light wires, replace the 20-amp fuse and rearm. If the fuse does not blow,
one (or both) of the ve hi cle’s Parking light wires is short ing. Find and cor rect the short(s), re con nect the Parking light
wires, then re arm.
If the fuse blows while the Parking light wires are dis con nected, the door locks are not wired cor rectly. Re con nect the
ve hi cle’s door lock ing sys tem to its origi nal con di tion, then re test the volt ages as in di cated in the
Cen tral Door
Lock ing/Un lock ing
sec tion of this binder and wire the locks as in di cated, then re place the 20-amp fuse.
Step 4.
Test the park ing lights.
Arm the sys tem by press ing but ton 1 on the re mote con trol.
Two flashes.
This is the correct response, proceed to step 5.
One flash.
If the Parking lights flash only once, the AvantGuard 4 had pre vi ously AutoArmed it self pas sively and by press ing
but ton 1 the sys tem dis armed (re mote dis arm ing is ac knowl edged with one Parking light flash). Re peat step 1.
No flashes.
If no flashes, ver ify the Parking light bulbs are op era tional. If not, they must be re placed. If so, re peat steps 1-5 of
Parking lights
sec tion in this binder.
Only one side flashes.
If only the right or the left side Parking lights flash, see the
Parking Lights
sec tion in this binder.
Step 5.
Test the elec tric win dows.
Arm the system by pressing button 1 on the remote control.
electric windows close.
This is the correct response, proceed to step 6.
electric windows do not close.
If the electric windows do not close, disarm and rearm the system (the one-time Window
RollUp Bypass feature may have been activated—arming and rearming will deactivate it). Make sure the Window RollUp
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