WS1”, 1.5” & 2” Series Watersoftener
Installation Operation Maintenance Manual
SIMPWS1 REV3 13/07/11 PAGE
4 OF27
4. Backwash (2nd)
- This valve has the unique facility of performing a second
backwash allowing for optimum regeneration, efficiency and cleaning of the
resin bed. Water flows as in the first backwash cycle.
5. Fast Rinse
- This follows the brine and slow rinse cycle, and entails rinsing
away the residual brine and Calcium and Magnesium salts from the resin and
re-packing the resin bed. This is carried out down flow with water flowing
through the resin in the direction of service.
6. Salt Tank Refill
- Following the fast rinse, a quantity of water
sufficient to dissolve the correct amount of salt for the next
regeneration is returned to the salt tank. When this has finished, the unit
automatically returns to service.
On meter controlled valves a water meter is installed in the outlet from the
softener, to measure the volume of water which passes to service. The
internal turbine rotates with the flow of water and reports its rate of rotation
through Hall-effect circuitry to the printed circuit board. When the reading
reaches zero the valve will automatically regenerate that night at 2 am for
delayed regeneration softeners or immediately for immediate regeneration
Time clock configuration valves initiate regeneration at a pre-set time after
a pre-set number of days. The frequency of regenerations are adjustable
on programming the timer (Regeneration control).
4.1.1 Foundation/Drainage
The softener will not require any special foundations, provided that a firm,
level area which is capable of supporting the working weight is available.
(See Engineering Data, Section 11.2)
Unwanted water from the regeneration process must flow to drain, and so
an open drain or gully, capable of passing the necessary flow is required
(see Process and Operating Data, 11.1, for relevant flows). The total flow
of water to drain depends on site conditions, but will be approximately 6
times the resin volume. Preferably the drain should be level with or no higher
than 500mm above the softener valve.
A second drain is required for the brine tank overflow. This is a safety drain
which will only discharge water if there is a malfunction in the control