Setting the inside of printer/ESC~SI
27 126 83 73 n m
1B 7E 53 49 n m
n: Setting category
m: Setting value by category
Sets the internal setting of the printer.
Set the factory setting (ESC~SF), and default value (ESC~SL) before using the command.
Reads the default setting value
Sets the internal setting of the printer
Sets the internal setting of the printer
Sets the internal setting of the printer
Writes the setting for flash memory
n=0 : Sets the serial interface communication speed.
1: Sets the serial interface data length.
2: Sets the serial interface stop bit length.
3: Sets the serial interface parity bit.
4: Sets the serial interface flow control.
5: Sets the printing density
6: Sets the type of printing paper
7: Sets the operation for automatic feed
8: Sets the black mark detection
9: Sets the character set.
10: Sets the international character set.
12: Sets the character pitch.
13: Sets the auto power OFF time.
14: Setting the return control of printer status.
15: Offline operation when canceling paper out.
16: Selects the font style.
17: Sets the code page.
255: Sets the printing of printer’s internal setting
Sets the serial interface communication speed: n=0
Sets the communication speed of the cable interface connection
m = 0: 4800 bps
1: 9600 bps
2: 19200 bps
3: 38400 bps
4: 57600 bps
5: 115200 bps