m=1: Graphic character code
m=2: Italic code
Setting the international characters: n=10
Sets the default setting of international character
m=0: Japan
1: USA
2: France
3: Germany
4: England
5: Denmark
6: Sweden
7: Italy
8: Spain
9: Norway
10: Denmark2
11: Spain2
12: LatinAmerica
13: Korea
14: Legal
Setting the character pitch: n=12
Sets the default setting of character pitch.
m= 0: 10 cpi or equivalent
1: 12 CPI equivalent
2: 15 CPI equivalent
Setting the auto power OFF time: n=13
Sets the auto power OFF time. Command content identical to ESC~O.
m=0 : auto power OFF disabled
m=1 : 1 minute.
m=3 : 3 minutes.
m=5 : 5 minutes.
m=10 : 10 minutes.
m=15 : 15 minutes.
Setting the return control of printer status: n=14
Sets the enabling/disabling of the return control of printer status. Sends the return control of printer
status to FS G, ESC~Y when it is enabled.
m=0: disabled
1: enabled
Offline operation when canceling paper out: n=15