Printer operating status report command / FS G
[Decimal] 28
[Hexadecimal] 1C 47
When using the command, set the printer operating status return control to enable in the internal setting of
the printer.
This command prints the printer operation status.
Data to be returned are 2 bytes and are FBh + content (30h to 3Fh).
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Paper-in 0
Paper-out 1
Battery normal
Battery needs recharging
printer head temperature
printer head temperature
0 0 1 1
Printing cannot be continued when printer head temperature becomes abnormal. Stop printing and leave
the printer for a while, or turn off the power and turn it on again after a while.
When the data in the receiving buffer becomes full, communication will be temporarily halted. In case of an error such
as paper-out, no printing will be executed. Therefore, the receiving buffer of the printer becomes full in a short time,
which may lead to a temporary communication halt. In such case, the printer may not be able to receive this command
from the host and the return function may not work properly.
When using this command, do not send the command and print data at the same time. Whenever possible, execute each
command separately.
In PD22 since received data in the buffer will not be processed under offline status such as paper out, the printer
monitors and returns the printer operating status report command at data receive level. Therefore, when the printer
status return control is set to enable in the internal setting of the printer, and if data, such as a bit image, contains a
character sequence which is the same as the printer operating status report command, the printer may identify the data
as this command and return the data. Since character sequences identified as the printer operating status report
command are directly sent to the receive data analysis part, these data will not be lost.
During infrared communication, printer status is returned within the infrared connection at the time of
receive of the printer operating status report command. When the connection with the other station is
disconnected, printer status return data will be cleared.