November 28, 2012 | Cisco Systems | PrecisionHD 4X Camera Connectivity Problems
(part number PSU-CAM-V=; see also
A camera not detected by the codec, i.e. "xstatus camera 1" shows "Connected: false", will show something
similar to the below error on a failed initialization when using a serial connection to the camera - note the
"Checksum validation fails" lines present. Keep in mind there can be variations of the below, but the camera will
always fail to initialize. When the camera fails to initialize,
the base LED will be solid green, and the camera LED
will be solid amber/orange:
DM365 chip initialization done
Board id : 00000001 Version id : 00000006
version 5
Configuring FPGA
boot_delay : 3
boot_delay : 2
boot_delay : 1
boot_delay : 0
version1 = 3308 version2 = 3628
Checksum validation fails
Checksum validation fails
Looking for factory image....
Checksum validation fails
No valid Uimage presentSANGAM#
If you encounter the above, then please proceed on to the next section
However, if you encounter the output listed below at the serial console, then the camera is constantly rebooting
the base LED will remain solid green, but the orange LED on the camera will be flashing on/off at a steady rate:
DM365 chip initialization done
Board id : 00000001 Version id : 00000006
Possible file checksum failure for shell read value =
Header checksum mismatch for factory image of second stage bootloaderUBL stage3:
Nand boot failed
Undefined mode
VPSS Reset Done
If the above is seen from the serial console of the camera on initial boot, the camera software cannot be recovered
and replacement is the only option.
Recovering the Camera Software
Once the camera is powered on a failed initialization has been identified, upgrade the camera software using the
following commands:
On a failed boot, you will automatically boot up to the SANGAM# prompt. Once there, run:
/s0/fu /s0/Sangam.pkg -d
You should see the following indicator showing the software being transferred:
82481 bytes transfered 8 secs