Region Name
Feature Name
egr-racl: For egress IPv4 and IPv6 RACLs
(Cisco Nexus 9200 Series switches only)
e-racl: For egress IPv4 RACLs
e-ipv6-racl: For egress IPv6 RACLs
ing-racl: For ingress IPv4 and IPv6 RACLs
(Cisco Nexus 9200 Series switches only)
racl: For IPv4 RACLs
racl-lite: For IPv4 RACLs (Cisco Nexus
3232C and 3264Q switches only)
racl-udf: For UDFs on IPv4 RACLs (Cisco
Nexus 3232C and 3264Q switches only)
ipv6-racl: For IPv6 RACLs
l3qos, l3qos-lite, or ns-l3qos: For
classifying IPv4 packets
ipv6-l3qos or ns-ipv6-l3qos: For
classifying IPv6 packets
For traffic that needs to be
classified on 40G ports on
Cisco Nexus 9300 Series
switches, you must carve qos
regions and the corresponding
ns-*qos regions.
Layer 3 QoS (QoS classification policy applied on Layer 3 ports
or port channels)
VLAN source or VLAN filter SPAN (for Cisco Nexus 9500 or
9300 Series switches)
Rx SPAN on 40G ports (for Cisco Nexus 9300 Series switches
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Security Configuration Guide, Release 9.x
Configuring IP ACLs
ACL TCAM Regions