Administrator’s Guide for Cisco MeetingPlace Video Integration Release 5.3
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting
Problems Scheduling a Video Conference
Problems Scheduling a Video Conference
A user attempted to schedule a video meeting but the meeting could not be scheduled.
One of the following may be the cause:
Insufficient video ports are available for the time specified. If this occurs often, consider reducing
the number of floater ports or increasing the number of overbook ports. See
About Configuring Port
Parameters, page 4-7
No more video conferences may be available for the time specified.
If the required minimum number of video ports per conference is not available, the meeting cannot
be scheduled. For information, see
About the Minimum Number of Video Ports Scheduled, page
. If this problem occurs frequently, adjust the number of overbook ports. See
Configuring the Number of Overbook Ports, page 4-8
The system allocates more ports to a meeting than the user scheduled.
This is normal. In order to prevent more conferences from being scheduled than the system can
accommodate, extra video ports are automatically allocated if a user schedules fewer video ports than
the average number of ports per conference available on the system. The formula that
Cisco MeetingPlace uses to determine the average number of conferences is: (Number of video ports –
number of video floater ports + number of video overbook ports) / Total number of video conferences.
Extra ports are more commonly allocated if the Cisco IPVC MCU uses an EMP card than if it uses an
MP card. To minimize the chances that this will happen, configure the IPVC according to the instructions
specific to Cisco MeetingPlace conferences. For details, see the IPVC release notes:
Cisco IP/VC 3511
MCU and Cisco IP/VC 3540 MCU Module Release Notes for Release 3.5
Problems Joining a Video Conference
Cisco MeetingPlace is unable to initiate the link connecting the audio channel of video
conferences on the Cisco IPVC MCU with the Cisco MeetingPlace audio conference.
Make sure the Cisco MeetingPlace H.323/SIP IP Gateway is set correctly. To test this, create a
Cisco MeetingPlace audio conference and try outdialing to an IP phone. If the IP phone connects
successfully to the audio conference, the MeetingPlace H.323/SIP IP Gateway is set correctly; check
your Cisco CallManager and MCU gatekeeper settings. If not, see the
Administrator’s Guide
Cisco MeetingPlace H.323/SIP IP Gateway, Release 5.2.1.
Check the connectivity to the Cisco IPVC MCU. To test that the routing is occurring correctly, try
outdialing from a Cisco MeetingPlace conference to the corresponding video conference on the
Check the Cisco MeetingPlace audio server to make sure the outdial actually occurred.
It is possible but highly unlikely that no video port is available for the link.
Check in MeetingTime to be sure your video license is activated.
User is unable to initiate or connect to a video conference.
Make sure Cisco MeetingPlace Video Integration is running.