Administrator’s Guide for Cisco MeetingPlace Video Integration Release 5.3
Chapter 4 Configuring and Managing Cisco MeetingPlace Video Integration
About Managing User Profiles for Video Use
Important Information About DMZ Configurations and Video Conferencing
When users schedule immediate or reservationless meetings, their profile settings determine whether or
not the meeting allows Internet access to the web conference. Because video conferences must be held
on the server on which Cisco MeetingPlace Video Integration is installed, this profile setting therefore
also determines whether a user’s immediate or reservationless meetings can include video conferencing
and who can attend the video and web conferences.
Use the following table to determine the appropriate setting for the Allow Internet Access profile
parameter for users who are allowed to schedule video conferences:
Users can work around the limitations in this section by scheduling standard scheduled meetings that
start as soon as they are scheduled, instead of scheduling immediate or reservationless meetings. They
must include a meeting ID that is different from their profile ID when they schedule the meeting.
About Video-Conferencing Bandwidth
The default bandwidth for video conferencing when users outdial to their video endpoint from
Cisco MeetingPlace Web Conferencing is set in the profile for each user, or for the group that each user
is assigned to.
Users can change their bandwidth setting at any time. Changes take effect if they rejoin the web
conference, or the next time they join a web conference. When participants dial in, the endpoint and the
Cisco IPVC MCU negotiate to determine the minimum usable bandwidth.
Cisco MeetingPlace Video
Integration Is Installed
And the Allow
Internet Access
Parameter In The
Profile of the
Meeting Scheduler
is Set To
Then That Scheduler Can
Initiate Immediate or
Reservationless Meetings
That Include
But That Scheduler
Cannot Initiate
Immediate or
Meetings That Include
Behind the firewall
Video conferencing for
internal participants and
participants with ISDN
video endpoints
Web- conferencing
participants or
participants who are
outside the firewall
Behind the firewall
participants who are
outside the firewall
Any video
In the DMZ
Any video
conferencing, or
participants who are
outside the firewall
In the DMZ
All video- and