Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide
OL-4806-01 Rev. A14
Appendix C Example of an HSI Configuration File
# CC: Call Control, EC: Eisup Cause, HC: H323 Cause
# For the H323 cause code values see ITU-T: Q.850
# The mappings below are considered constant and not provisionable.
# They can be made provisionable by moving them from the CCPackage
# to the SYS_CONFIG_STATIC package.
# The following is the Eisup to H323 cause code map.
# When the Eisup cause on the left is received from Eisup,
# the H323 cause on right is sent to H323.
# Note: the reverse is not true, this is a one way mapping.
# The H323 to Eisup cause map is defined further down.
CC_EC_UnallocatedNumber = CC_HC_UnallocatedNumber
CC_EC_NoRouteToTns = CC_HC_NoRouteToSpecifiedTransitNetwork
CC_EC_NoRouteToDest = CC_HC_NoRouteToDestination
CC_EC_SpecialInformationTone = CC_HC_SendSpecialInformationTone
CC_EC_MisdialledTkPrefix = CC_HC_MisdialedTrunkPrefix
CC_EC_ChUnacceptable = CC_HC_ChannelUnacceptable
CC_EC_CallAwardedDeliveredEstCh = CC_HC_CallAwardedEstablishedChannel
CC_EC_Preemption = CC_HC_Preemption
CC_EC_PreemptionCctRes = CC_HC_PreemptionCircuitReservedForReuse
CC_EC_NormalClearing = CC_HC_NormalCallClearing
CC_EC_UserBusy = CC_HC_UserBusy
CC_EC_NoUserResponding = CC_HC_NoUserresponding
CC_EC_NoAnswerAlertedUser = CC_HC_NoAnswerFromAlertedUser
CC_EC_SubAbscent = CC_HC_SubscriberAbsent
CC_EC_CallRejected = CC_HC_CallRejected
CC_EC_NumberChanged = CC_HC_NumberChanged
CC_EC_RedirectionToNewDest = CC_HC_RedirectionToNewDestination
CC_EC_RoutingError = CC_HC_ExchangeRouteError
CC_EC_NonSelectedUserClearing = CC_HC_NonSelectedUserClearing
CC_EC_DestOutOfOrder = CC_HC_DestinationOutOfOrder
CC_EC_InvalidNumberFormat = CC_HC_InvalidNumberFormat
CC_EC_FacilityRejected = CC_HC_FacilityRejected
CC_EC_ResponseToStatusEnquiry = CC_HC_ResponceToStatusEnquiry