The packages and provisioning file used to boot in installed mode must reside in flash. Booting in installed
mode from usbflash0: or tftp: is not supported.
Bundle Boot Mode
You can boot your device in bundle boot mode by booting the bundle (.bin) file:
boot flash:cat9k_lite_iosxe.16.09.01.SPA.bin
The provisioning file contained in a bundle is used to decide which packages to boot, mount, and run. Packages
are extracted from the bundle and copied to RAM. The ISO file system in each package is mounted to the
root file system.
Unlike install boot mode, additional memory that is equivalent to the size of the bundle is used when booting
in bundle mode.
Changing the Boot Mode
To change a device running in bundle boot mode to install mode, set the boot variable to flash:packages.conf,
and execute the
install add file flash:cat9k_2.bin activate commit
command. After the command is executed,
the device reboots in install boot mode.
Installing the Software Package
You can install the software package on a device by using the
install add
commands in privileged EXEC
install add
command copies the software package from a local or remote location to the device. The
location can be FTP, HTTP, HTTPs, or TFTP. The command extracts individual components of the .bin file
into sub-packages and packages.conf file. It also validates the file to ensure that the image file is specific to
the platform.
Devices Information Assignment
You can assign IP information through the device setup program, through a DHCP server, or manually.
Use the device setup program if you want to be prompted for specific IP information. With this program, you
can also configure a hostname and an enable secret password.
It gives you the option of assigning a Telnet password (to provide security during remote management) and
configuring your switch as a command or member switch of a cluster or as a standalone switch.
Use a DHCP server for centralized control and automatic assignment of IP information after the server is
If you are using DHCP, do not respond to any of the questions in the setup program until the device receives
the dynamically assigned IP address and reads the configuration file.
If you are an experienced user familiar with the device configuration steps, manually configure the device.
Otherwise, use the setup program described in the
Boot Process
System Management Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.x (Catalyst 9200 Switches)
Performing Device Setup Configuration
Bundle Boot Mode