Catalyst 2975 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Configuring SDM Templates
The Catalyst 2975 switch command reference has command syntax and usage information. Unless
otherwise noted, the term
refers to a standalone switch and a switch stack.
Understanding the SDM Templates, page 8-1
Configuring the Switch SDM Template, page 8-3
.Displaying the SDM Templates, page 8-4
Understanding the SDM Templates
You can use SDM templates to configure system resources in the switch to optimize support for specific
features, depending on how the switch is used in the network. You can select a template to provide
maximum system usage for some functions or use the default template to balance resources.
To allocate ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) resources for different usages, the switch SDM
templates prioritize system resources to optimize support for certain features. You can select SDM
templates to optimize these features:
Default—The default template gives balance to all functions.
Dual—The dual IPv4 and IPv6 template allows the switch to be used in dual stack environments
(supporting both IPv4 and IPv6). Using the dual stack templates results in less TCAM capacity
allowed for each resource. Do not use them if you plan to forward only IPv4 traffic.
LAN base routing—The lanbase-routing template supports IPv4 unicast routes for configuring static
routing SVIs
The lanbase-routing template is supported only on switches running Cisco IOS
Release 12.2(55)SE or later.
QoS—The QoS template maximizes system resources for quality of service (QoS) access control
entries (ACEs).