Cisco Connection Online
Modem: From North America, 408 526-8070; from Europe, 33 1 64 46 40 82. Use the
following terminal settings: VT100 emulation; databits: 8; parity: none; stop bits: 1; and
connection rates up to 28.8 kbps.
For a copy of CCO’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), contact [email protected]. For
additional information, contact [email protected].
If you are a network administrator and need personal technical assistance with a
Cisco product that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract, contact Cisco’s
Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 800 553-2447, 408 526-7209, [email protected], or
http://www.cisco.com. To obtain general information about Cisco Systems, Cisco products,
or upgrades, contact 800 553-6387, 408 526-7208, or [email protected].
rpsprf Page xvii Monday, September 14, 1998 8:20 AM