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C O M P O N E N T M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L - C A P S
M O D E L S R 2 0
4 May 2015
D. Parachute Assembly
Removal - Parachute Assembly
Remove handle access cover and install safety pin.
Remove rocket assembly.
Serials 1423 & subs
: Remove BH 222 upper access panel.
At upper access panel on BH 222, push pins from back side of plastic inserts secur-
ing upper access panel to BH 222.
Use pliers to pull pins from forward side of plastic inserts until inserts are disengaged.
Remove upper access panel from BH 222.
Serials 1005 thru 1422
Remove bolts, washers, and nuts securing aft harness bracket to 222 bulkhead.
At baggage compartment, reach through access hole CB6, unfasten hook and loop secur-
ing retaining straps, loosen, and remove straps from buckles.
Pull retaining straps free from parachute compartment.
Remove spacers, bolts, washers, and nuts securing forward harness straps to parachute
assembly three-point shackles.
Do not attempt to lift or carry parachute assembly by rear harness or rocket
lanyards. For lifting, use 1-inch wide retaining strap handles sewn to top of
parachute assembly.
Do not drag parachute assembly over any surface. Following removal of
parachute assembly from airplane, set assembly on stable, non-abrasive
surface with line cutters facing up.
Serials 1005 thru 1422
: Lift parachute assembly through top of parachute compartment
and place onto stable, non-abrasive surface, laying assembly with three point shackles
facing up, and top of pack facing aft.
Serials 1423 & subs
: Pull parachute assembly through access hole CB7 on 222 bulkhead,
laying assembly on fuselage floor with three point shackles facing up, and top of pack fac-
ing aft.
Remove parachute assembly from airplane.
It is permissible to reuse the existing Line Cutters if they have not reached
their Life Limit. (Refer to AMM 4-00)
Remove line cutters.
Tie off three-link release assembly to maintain correct stackup.
Identify removed parachute assembly as follows:
"Pending Cirrus Design Disposition: Removed from SR20 - ASN#### Date: mm/dd/yyyy"
where “####” specifies aircraft serial number, and “mm/dd/yyyy” specifies date of para-
chute assembly removal.
Ensure removed parachute assembly is properly identified to prevent
any attempt to re-use assembly pending disposition by Cirrus Design.
The kevlar harness has poor resistance to ultraviolet light and should
be protected from light immediately.
Store parachute assembly in clean, dark, and dry environment pending disposition by Cir-
rus Design.