Positioning User Manual
Decelerate Stop: The axis in operation begins to decelerate until it comes to a full stop.
Emergency Stop: The axis in operation immediately stops without any deceleration process.
These are occasions at which the axis immediately stops not by this command.
Detection of the Upper and Lower Limit Signals
Setting of the Software Upper/Lower Limit Signal
Error Reset
If an error occurs during the operation of the corresponding axis, the Error Reset button gets
activated. The error is displayed on Error Code. Please refer to the error code table for details.
Error Reset stops the Monitor Mode if it was in Monitor Mode.
It saves the PLC-S Positioning Special Program. When the program is saved successfully, a
confirmation message will appear in the Message Window as shown below.
Online Modify
It downloads the PLC-S Positioning Special Program during the positioning operation.
‘Online Modify’ saves the program, and the same confirmation message will appear.
*You cannot ‘Online Modify’ while positioning is operating. Please stop the operation first.
It closes the PLC-S Positioning Special Program.