EN - 13
Electrical connections (continued)
Board connections
The structure of the motherboard is illustrated in the diagram below:
On/Off inputs
J6 terms. 1-2
Automatic operation
The machine stops when the
contact opens
J6 terms. 2-3
Fan manual override
The fans turn on when the
contact closes
J6 terms. 4-5
Setpoint 1 / Setpoint 2
Setpoint 2 is enabled when
the contact is closed
On/Off outputs
J7 terms. 1-2
Operation signal
The contact closes when the
unit is on
J7 terms. 3-4
Fault signal
The contact opens when a
fault appears
J8 terms. 1-2
Chiller in free cooling
The authorisation is sent to
the chiller when the contact
J10 terms. 4-5
Free cooling three-way
valve control
See wiring diagram
Analogue inputs
J2 terms. 1-2
Temperature sensor, coil 1, circuit 1
J2 terms. 2-3
Temperature sensor, coil 1, circuit 2
J3 terms. 1-2
Outdoor temperature sensor.
J3 terms. 2-3
Temperature sensor, coil 2, circuit 1
J3 terms. 4-5
Temperature sensor, coil 2, circuit 2
J12 terms. 1-2-3
Bus power supply connected by shielded cable to J1 on
relay board or J1 on remote control console (terminal 1 to
terminal 1, terminal 2 to terminal 2 and the shield to
terminals 3).
J13 terms. 1-2-3
Bus power supply connected by shielded cable to J12 on
the CONNECT board, or JA11 on the XTRACONNECT
board (terminal 1 to terminal 1, terminal 2 to terminal 2
and the shield to terminals 3) or the customer BMS.