External Control
FHD552-X LCD Panel User Manual
020-000741-01 Rev. 1 (07-2014)
4. Click the text box labeled 3 Char. CMD and enter a valid three-character command from those
in the
Serial Command List
on page 52.
Click 3 Char. CMD to display the command selection window. When you move the mouse
pointer over a command, a brief description of the command and an example (in hexadecimal
format) appear at the bottom of the window. Click on a command to select it.
5. For Write commands, click the text box labeled Value (Dec.) and enter a decimal parameter
value to send with the command. Or, click Value (Dec.) to change the parameter entry mode
to Value (Hex) and enter a hexadecimal value.
6. Click Send. If the command executes successfully, the sent command and the response from
the target display appear in the window.
To send a command in hexadecimal format:
1. Click the HEX command radio button.
2. Check Read or Write to select that command type.
3. Click the left-most text box and enter 07.
4. Enter the Monitor ID in the second text box.
5. Enter 01(read) or 02(write) in the third text box.
6. Enter the command in the next three text boxes.
7. For Write commands, enter a parameter value to send with the command.
8. Enter 08 in the right-most text box.
9. Click Send. If the command executes successfully, the sent command and the response from
the target display appear in the window.