Feeder Management and Operation
MODEL C2® Plus & MODEL G™ Plus Feeding System
The feeder tubes and auger are supplied from the factory with a protective oil coating that will cause the system
to deliver feed at a reduced rate. The oil coating will also create a larger load on the power unit (motor) until the
system has been initially purged with feed, and becomes broken in.
To operate
1. Lower feeder lines so the feed pans are resting on the floor and the feed flood windows are completely open.
Although the major weight of the feeder lines will be on the floor, do not remove all the weight from the
suspension system and allow the cables to become slack.
2. Apply power to the feeder lines to check the operation. Allow to operate empty for 1-2 minutes.
NOTE: For feeder lines that have mid line controls, the recommended bypass switch(s) are wired into the
system for selection of partial or full house control. Select the switch so the mid line control is
functional. As the feeder operates, the feed will stop at the mid line control pan.
3. With the shut-off slide on the feed bin boot closed, energize the Flex-Auger® fill system. After operation of
approximately 1-2 minutes, open the boot slide 1/2 way to allow feed to be conveyed to the feeders.
4. Once feed begins to be dispensed into the feed hopper(s), manually shut-off the fill system.
5. Apply power again to the feeder lines. Operate the fill system manually to dispense approximately 50 lb.
[23 kg]
increments of feed into the feed hopper(s). Allow the feed hopper to become empty for 30 seconds
between each increment to reduce load on the feeder motor. Continue this procedure until feed has been
dispensed to all the feeder pans. When the feed reaches the control pan, the feeder line will be shut-off.
6. Once the feeder lines have been initially filled with feed, manually dispensing feed in 50 lb.
[23 kg]
increments will no longer be necessary. The shut-off slide on the Flex-Auger® fill system may be completely
opened. Refer to the Flex-Auger fill system Operator’s Manual for information when multiple feed bins are
General Operation of the MODEL C2® PLUS and MODEL G™ PLUS Feeders
These recommendations are the guideline to aid producers with the use of the feeding system.
experience a feeding program will be developed to enhance the feeding systems performance. Several factors such
as feed content, type of birds, climate, lighting programs, and etc. may dictate change from these
The Model C2 Plus and G Plus feeders have a feed flood windows which allows the feeder pan, when lowered to
the floor, to be filled with feed for the brooding of young birds. Start young birds with the feeder line lowered so
the feed pans are resting on the floor and the feed flood windows are completely open. Although the major weight
of the feeder lines will be on the floor, do not remove all the weight from the suspension system and allow the
cables to become slack.
It is advisable to provide supplemental feed during the first few days for the young birds. This is especially true
when partial house brooding is used (refer to page 31). Supplemental feeders such as the CHORE-TIME® E-Z
START™ Chick Feeder, provide extra feeding space and access to the feed.
With the feeders lowered to the floor and the feed flood windows open, the operation of the feeder will allow a
high level of feed to be placed into the feed pans making it easy for the birds to find feed, adapt to the feeder, and
begin to eat.
Do not operate the feeding system on automatic (full demand feed) when the feed windows are open. Chore-Time
recommends opening the feed windows for the first 8 to 14 days. The feeders will need to be operated at least 2
times a day for the first 5 days, and thereafter, 3 times a day or more as needed, while the windows are open. If it
is not possible to operate the feeder manually 1-3 times a day during the brood time (windows open), then a time
clock should be utilized to limit the number of times and length of time the feeder can operate. Failure to do one
of the above will create the possibility of an excessive high feed level in the feed pans and the birds to waste feed.
As the birds grow and become acclimated to the feeder pans, the feeder will need to be raised to the grow-out