Q9 Digital Color Doppler Ultrasound System
CHISON Q9 probes have life time of 5 years after ex-work (except that the 4D probe V4C40L
life time is 18 months).
The warranty of the system and probes after ex-work is as the time in the warranty card.
The system is a precise electronic system. Only the CHISON’s authorized service engineer could
replace the defective parts. Any assembly, disassembly, handling, repair, or replacement by any
other people may have adverse impact on the safety and effectiveness of the systems and probes,
and thus will reduce the life time of the system and probes, and such systems and probes will not be
covered by CHISON warranty after the above improper handling. Standard maintenance must be
performed by CHISON’s authorized service engineer during the life time of the product.
AIUM/NEMA: Standard For Real-Time Display of Thermal and Mechanical Acoustic Output
Indices On Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment, Revision 2. NEMA Standards Publication UD
3-2004; American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, Laurel MD; National Electrical
CAUTION: When the above life time is expired, the effectiveness
and safety of system and probes maybe greatly affected, so it’s NOT
suggested to continue using the system and probes even the system and
probes seem work properly. But if user still wants to continue using the
system and probes, user should first contact CHISON service center at
CHISON headquarter to arrange the necessary safety check and calibration
by CHISON’s authorized service engineer. If CHISON headquarter service
center provides the calibration certificate for the related system or probe, then
user could continue use the system or probes according to the calibration
certificate. However, if CHISON headquarter service center concludes that
the system or probe is no longer complied to the safety and effectiveness
standard, then user should immediately stop using the system or probe. User
understands that such check and calibration cost will be born by the user.
Systems and probes keep on using after the life time may also be difficult to
repair and maintain, so it’s suggested to renew the product after the life time.