17.2 Cent
of Gravity and Fitting the Batteries
Attach the wings, stabilizers and hatch to the fuselage. At this stage you
should now have every component fitted to the Vision 3D except for the
switches and batteries, allowing the balance of the model to be assessed and
adjusted using the batteries.
Trial balance the Vision 3D – the correct safe starting balance point for 3D
flight & experienced 3D pilots is 3
back from the leading edge of
the wing AT THE TIP.
Move the ignition and receiver the batteries within the fuselage until the
correct centre of gravity has been obtained.
We have found that if the batteries are positioned above the tank in the
forward decking, the centre of gravity should be approximately correct.
Using foam plenty of foam to protect the batteries against motor vibration,
mount them in the required position for the correct centre of gravity.
Now remove the wings and stabilizers and move them away from your
workbench to avoid damage while completing the Vision 3D.
17.3 Receiver and Ignition Module Switches
Fit the switches for the receiver and ignition module. We advise the use of
heavy-duty switches for the best reliability.
Attempt to position the switches between the batteries and receiver/ignition
module such that extension leads are not required. Remember to tape or
heat-shrink the connectors together.