Once properly aligned mark the positions for the ball bearing aileron control
horn fixing screws and then using a 1/32 drill bit, drill fixing holes into the
aileron. Be careful not to drill the whole way through the aileron!
Remove a small triangle of covering material in between the three screw
holes you have just drilled. Finally apply a layer of CA (slow cure CA) to the
wood area exposed by the film removal, & also a small amount of CA to each
hole drilled for the horn mounting holes, then immediately screw the horn into
place, this provides an extremely strong & light weight fixing of the control
You may now fit the aileron control rod. The supplied metal pin clevises are
used to connect to the ball bearing control horn and we recommend ball links
for attachment to the servo horn.
Now repeat the above steps on the opposite wing panel.
In the event you are fitting dual aileron servos, obviously the above steps will
have to be repeated 3 more time to complete both wings. Care should be
taken when using dual servos to ensure that the servos are not ‘fighting’ each
other through their movement ranges.
This may be achieved by fitting match boxes, or by cutting each aileron in
half, plugging each servo into an individual receiver channel with appropriate
transmitter mixing and then matching each servos movement using end point
transmitter adjustments.