12.3 Fitting the Anti Rotation Pins into the Wing Halves
Apply red Loctite to each anti rotation pin
thread and screw them into place in the wing
12.4 Final Wing Retainer Setup and Adjustment
While the Loctite on the anti rotation pin threads is still wet, insert the wing
tube into the fuselage.
Now remove the large flat head screws from each pin retaining boss and fit
the wings. Ensure that when the wing halves are fitted up against the fuselage
sides, the narrow ‘V’ section at the end of each anti rotation pin is in the
centre of its retaining boss. If this in not the case, remove the wings and
adjust the position of the ‘V’ section by screwing the pins in or out.
Now remove the wings from the model and place them somewhere away from
your workbench, to protect them against damage while you are completing
the Vision 3D.