Ensure curtains and soft furnishings are not positioned above the fire opening with
at least a clearance of at least 300mm above and 150mm on either side of the fire
Do not throw rubbish upon the surface area or otherwise disturb the fuel bed. Debris
from any source, or soot formed, should be removed from time to time.
The pilot light and flame sensing device fitted to this fire is also an atmosphere
sensing device, which shuts off both the main burner and pilot if evacuation of the
combustion products is interrupted. If the fire is extinguished or goes out in use, allow
3 minutes before attempting to relight.
If the fire shuts itself off repeatedly, do not use the fire, and have the flue and fire
checked by a suitably qualified person.
The appropriate size and type of ventilation into to the room where the appliance is to
be fitted should also take into account any other gas appliances in the room and must
comply with Local and National Regulations.
The ventilation should be checked on a regular basis to ensure there is no obstruction.