3237 • X6 02/2018
• Locate and have inclement weather gear and safety
equipment ready.
• Stow all gear and secure any loose equipment on
• Make sure all people onboard are wearing a life
• Turn on navigation lights.
• Mark or identify your position.
• Reduce speed as the seas build, and head for port
or a safe, easily reachable place.
• Drop a sea anchor over the stern to maintain the
bow into the seas. If a sea anchor is unavailable, use
a canvas bucket, tackle box or other object that will
replace the anchor.
• Keep a lookout for debris and obstructions in the
• When possible, head into the waves at a 45 degree
angle. Allowing high waves to strike the side of your
yacht may cause it to capsize or swamp.
Fog is a result of either warm-surface or cold-surface
conditions. Periodically measure the air temperature
and dew point temperature to determine the liability of
fog formation. Fog is likely to develop if the difference
between the air temperature and dew point temperature
is small.
Remember the following guidelines:
• Head for shore at the first sign of fog, unless the
yacht is well-equipped with charts and navigational
equipment. Wait until conditions improve. If charts
are available onboard, take bearings as fog sets in,
mark the current position, and continue to log the
course and speed.
• All people onboard should wear their life jacket.
• Take bearings and log your course and speed before
the fog sets in. Use of a GPS is recommended.
• If sound equipment is installed, check soundings
regularly and match the sounds with the depths
shown on the charts.
• Station a person forward in the yacht as a lookout.
• Reduce speed to a safe speed or idle. Periodically,
stop the engines and listen for surrounding fog
• Sound a 5 second blast from the horn or fog
bell once every 2 minutes to warn others of your
• If there is doubt about continuing the cruise, quickly
find the best position to anchor and then set the
anchor. Pay close attention during fog and take time
to listen for other fog signals just before sounding
your fog horn or bell. You must sound a 5 second
blast from your horn or whistle once every 1 minute
while anchored.
Natural environments and inclement weather can cause
reduced visibility. Storm condition hazards can be
compounded by reduced visibility while on the water.
Always use common sense and take safety precautions
when operating the yacht in reduced visibility conditions.
Avoid operating your yacht in cold water or weather
conditions, and never operate in frozen or icy waters.
Operating in such conditions greatly increases the risk of
serious injury or death, including cold-water immersion,
shock and hypothermia. Weather conditions may hinder
emergency rescue or assistance, and cold weather
can pose problems for on-board equipment, as well as
the engine. See the engine Operator’s Manual and the
equipment manufacturer’s instructions for cold weather
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