Scout Boats 262 Abaco Owner'S Manual Download Page 1

Owner’s Manual

262 Abaco

Scout Boats Inc.

2531 Hwy 78 West

Summerville, SC  29483

Summary of Contents for 262 Abaco

Page 1: ... Owner s Manual 262 Abaco Scout Boats Inc 2531 Hwy 78 West Summerville SC 29483 ...

Page 2: ... THIS PAGE WAS LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Print Date 6 2007 Current ...

Page 3: ...A L INJURY OR DEATH H A Z A R D S O R U N S A F E P R AC T I C E S W H I C H COULD RESULT IN MINOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PRODUCT AND PROPERTY DAMAGE All instructions given in this book are as seen from the stern looking toward the bow with starboard being to your right and port to your left A glossary of boating terms is included IMPORTANT NOTE Your boat uses internal combustion engines and flammable...




Page 7: ...facturer Name Address Zip Code Identification Numbers Hull Identification Number Port Engine Serial Number Starboard Engine Serial Number Intended Design Category Ocean Inshore Offshore X Sheltered Waters Weight and Maximum Capacities Unladen Weight Kilograms Pounds Maximum Load Weight Kilograms Pounds Number of People Maximum Rated Engine Horsepower Kilowatts Horsepower Certifications Certificati...

Page 8: ...d electronics equipment The decision to repair replace or make reimbursement for a particular boat or part shall be at the discretion of Scout Boats Inc Online registration a bill of sale or proof of purchase demonstrating individual in question as the purchaser along with a proof of customer s identity is required before warranty service can be rendered Scout Boats Inc does not warrant 1 any Scou...

Page 9: ...ircle com Customer Date By signing below the dealership representative hereby agrees that the status of this boat has been changed to delivered on Dealer s Circle in order for warranty to go into effect Dealership Representative Date Log on to www dealerscircle com to complete the warranty registration process Paper copies are for the dealer and customer records only Please do not send Scout Boats...


Page 11: ...ce orobligation Ifyouhavequestionsabouttheequipmenton your Scout please contact Scout Customer Service Service AllwarrantyrepairsmustbeperformedbyanauthorizedScout Dealer Shouldaproblemdevelopthatisrelatedtofaultywork manship or materials as stated in the LimitedWarranty you shouldcontactyourScoutdealertoarrangeforthenecessary repair If you are not near your dealer or another authorized Scout deal...

Page 12: find the nearest Yamaha dealer United States Dealer Locations 1 800 692 6242 Canada Dealer Locations 1 800 267 8577 Your warranty applies specifically to repairs made in the country of purchase IfyouneedanyadditionalinformationaboutyourYamaha or warranty coverage which your dealer cannot provide please contact Yamaha Directly Refer to your engine owner s manual for the address and phone number ...

Page 13: committed to the continuous improvement of our boats As a result some of the equipment described in this manual or pictured in the catalog may change or no longer be available Scout reserves the right to change standard equipment optional equipment and specifications without notice or obligation If you have questions about the equipment on your Scout please contact Scout Customer Service Servic...

Page 14: ...urchased separately or when supplied as original equipment by a boat builder Ifyouneedwarrantyrepairs youmusttakeyourYamaha outboard to an authorized Yamaha outboard dealer If you are away from home or your selling dealer is not an authorizedYamaha dealer use the following toll free numbers to find the nearest Yamaha dealer United States Dealer Locations 1 800 692 6242 Canada Dealer Locations 1 80...

Page 15: ...ilt and Trim 24 2 5 Engine Stop Switch 24 2 6 Steering System 25 2 7 Trim Tabs 25 2 8 Control Systems Maintenance 26 Chapter 3 FUEL SYSTEM 3 1 General 27 3 2 Outboard Fuel System 28 3 3 Fueling Instructions 28 3 4 Fuel System Maintenance 29 Chapter 4 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 4 1 General 31 4 2 12 Volt System 31 4 3 120 Volt AC Electrical System 35 4 4 Bonding System 37 4 5 Electrical System Maintenance 3...

Page 16: ...48 7 6 Shower and Cabin Sink Drains 48 7 7 Rope Locker Drains 48 7 8 Rope Locker Drains 48 7 9 Drainage System Maintenance 48 Chapter 8 VENTILATION SYSTEM 8 1 Cabin Ventilation 49 8 2 Carbon Monoxide and Proper Ventilation 50 8 3 Maintenance 51 Chapter 9 EXTERIOR EQUIPMENT 9 1 Deck 53 9 2 Hull 55 9 3 Cockpit Features 55 Chapter 10 INTERIOR EQUIPMENT 10 1 Head Compartment 59 10 2 Marine Head System...

Page 17: ...Operating Your Boat 74 12 5 Docking Anchoring and Mooring 75 12 6 Controls Steering or Propulsion System Failure 77 12 7 Collision 77 12 8 Grounding Towing and Rendering Assistance 77 12 9 Flooding or Capsizing 77 12 10 Fishing 77 12 11 Man Overboard 78 12 12 Trash Disposal 78 12 13 Trailering Your Boat 78 Chapter 13 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 13 1 Exterior Hull and Deck 81 13 2 Upholstery Canvas and Enc...

Page 18: ... System 94 AC Electrical System 95 Fuel System 96 Water System 97 Drainage Systems 98 Hydraulic Steering System 99 Appendix B GLOSSARY OF TERMS 100 Appendix C MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE AND LOG 104 Appendix D BOATING ACCIDENT REPORT 110 Appendix E FLOAT PLAN 112 Appendix F TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 114 TABLE OF CONTENTS ...

Page 19: ...ion Eachoutboardmotorisacompletedrivesystemwiththegear casebeingjustforwardofthepropellerandconnectedtothe power head with a vertical drive shaft All engines require somemaintenance Routinemaintenancerecommendedfor yourengineisoutlinedintheengineowner smanual Routine maintenanceisnormallytheprimaryconcernunlesstheboatis tobekeptinsaltwaterforextendedperiodsoftime Thenthe main concerns are marine g...

Page 20: ...a steady stream of water coming out of those ports NEVER RUN AN OUTBOARD MOTOR WITHOUT WATER FLOWING TO THE WATER PUMP SERIOUS DAMAGE TO THE WATER IMPELLER OR ENGINE COULD RESULT Note If the boat is used in salt or badly polluted water the engines should be flushed after each use Refer to the engine owner s manual for the proper engine flushing procedure 1 5 Propellers The propellers convert the e...

Page 21: ... will not be able to develop as muchhorsepowerastheydoatornearsealevel Conse quently different propellers may be required 1 7 Engine Instrumentation Thehelmstationisequippedwithasetofengineinstruments and oralarms Theseinstrumentsallowtheoperatortomonitor theoperationalconditionoftheengines Closeobservationof theseinstrumentsallowstheoperatortooperatetheengines at the most efficient level and coul...

Page 22: ...rating your boat on plane The Yamaha enginetrimindicatorisbuiltintothetachometer Pleaserefer theengineowner smanualformoreinformationontheopera tion of the outboard power tilt and trim Engine Alarms All outboards are equipped with an audible alarm system mountedinthehelmareathat monitorsselectedcriticalengine systems The alarm will sound if one of these systems begins tofail Refertotheengineowner ...

Page 23: ...taftofneutral Advancingthecontrolleverbeyondthe shift range advances the throttle in forward or reverse Each controlisequippedwithameansofpermittingtheengineto be operated at a higher than idle RPM while in neutral for cold starting and warm up purposes The handles of dual lever controls may not always align with each other at all RPM settings due to variations in control cable routing cable lengt...

Page 24: ...efer to the engine owner s manual Thesternwavegatemustintheopenordownpositionbefore tilting the engines to the full up or trailering position If the wavegateisintheuppositionwhentheenginesaretilted the cowlings will hit it causing damage to the engine cowlings and wave gate Always make sure the wave gate is down be foretiltingtheenginesandreturnedtotheuppositionbefore operating the boat The engine...

Page 25: ...trol the trim tabs The switch controls bow up anddownmovements Italsocontrolsstarboardandportup anddownmovements Bowupandbowdownwillcontrolthe hull planing attitude while port and starboard up and down provides control for the hull listing Beforeleavingthedock makesurethatthetabsareinthefull UP position by holding the control in the bow up position for ten 10 seconds Alwaysestablishtheintendedhead...

Page 26: ...sthewheelisturned This soundistheopeningandclosingofvalvesinthehelmunitand isnormal Refertothesteeringmanufacturerowner smanual for specific information on the steering system When new or after repairs hydraulic steering systems may need to have all air purged from the system If your boat is equipped with a tower and two helms the bottom helm fill plug is sealed and the steering fluid is checked a...

Page 27: ...henlow on fuel Though some fuel may be in the tank the relative trim angle of the boat may cause the fuel to flow away from the withdrawals Fuel Gauge This indicates the amount of fuel in the tank Due to the mechanical nature of the fuel sender variations in readings during various speeds of operation may occur This system is merely a relative indication of the available fuel supply and not a cali...

Page 28: ...s required SeeFuelSystemMaintenanceandtheengineowner s manual for additional information on the fuel filters and the outboard engine fuel system 3 3 Fueling Instructions FUEL IS VERY FLAMMABLE BE CAREFUL WHEN FILLING THE FUEL TANK NO SMOKING NEVER FILL THE TANK WHILE THE ENGINE IS RUNNING FILL THE FUEL TANK IN AN OPEN AREA DO NOT FILL THE TANK NEAR OPEN FLAMES TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE FUEL SYSTEM ...

Page 29: ...cloggedwillpreventthe fueltankfromventingproperlyandmakefillingthefueltank difficult or cause fuel supply problems to the engine Contaminatedfuelmaycauseseriousdamagetoyourengines Thefiltersmustbecheckedforwaterandothercontamination frequently Thefilterelementsmustbechangedatleastonce aseasonormorefrequentlydependingonthetypeofengines and the quality of the fuel Please refer to the engine or fuel ...


Page 31: the 12 volt switchpanels aseparatecircuitbreakerpanelbelowthehelm andthecabinDCbreakerpanel Amainhelmcircuitbreaker locatednearthebatteryswitches protectsthehelmaccessory circuit from an overload Another main breaker on the cabin DC breaker panel protects the main cabin accessory circuit Othercircuitbreakerslocatednearthebatteryswitchesprotect the circuit for the trim tabs the automatic float s...

Page 32: ...e engine circuits for normal operation Eachenginechargesthebatterythatfeedsitandtheotherbat teries through aVSR voltage sensitive relay battery isolator system The battery isolator system manages the charging current for the 12 volt system whenever the engines are run ning The system automatically senses the condition of each battery and directs the available current to the batteries that require ...

Page 33: ... tank is illegal 12 Volt Receptacle Provides electrical current for portable 12 volt equipment Nav Lights Activatestherunninglights Pushtheswitchintoactivatethe navigation lights Push it again to turn them off Anchor Lights Activates the anchor light Push the switch in to activate the anchor lights Push it again to turn them off Accessory Switch This switch is supplied to protect additional equipm...

Page 34: ...itbreakerinthepanel Switch es fed by the panel breakers activate other accessories A red low DC voltage light is located in the panel to monitor the voltage level in the batteries It will glow red if the house battery becomes discharged and requires charging Proper fuse or breaker protection must be provided for all 12 volt equipment added Do not overload the accessory circuit breakers or other ci...

Page 35: ...nd the reverse polarity light indicates any problems due to an improper shore power supply All AC outlets in the cabin or cockpit are protected by ground fault interrupts to protect against electrical shock A cord set is providedtosupplypowerfromtheshorepoweroutlettothe boat s 120 volt AC system TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK IN WET WEATHER AVOID MAKING CONTACT WITH THE SHORE CABLE OR MAKI...

Page 36: ...panelequipmentand the breakers that protect the accessories AC Voltmeter Indicates the voltage LineVoltage supplied to the panel The AC system and accessories can be damaged by voltage that is below 105 volts or above 125 volts Never operate your AC electrical system if the voltage is below or above this range Care must be taken when operating the AC system from the shore power supply line On some...

Page 37: ... to 120 volts when hooked to shore power See the refrigerator manual for more information 4 4 Bonding System Yourboatisequippedwithabondingsystemthatinterconnects allmetalunderwaterhardwareandthru hullfittingstoensure thattheyareofthesameelectricalpotential Zincanodesare attachedtothebondingsystemattheenginesandtrimtabs TheZincanodesdeterioratebeforetheothermetals thereby protectingtheunderwaterme...

Page 38: ...hepostsandcableclampswithabattery postcleanerorsandpaperasrequired Coatingthebatteryposts and cable clamps with petroleum jelly or silicone grease will protect them and reduce corrosion Battery cables both hot and ground must be replaced when they show signs of corrosion or fraying Deteriorated cables causeaconsiderablevoltagelosswhenhighcurrentsaredrawn as for starting the engine Never use an ope...

Page 39: ... your boat require and managing the electrical load on each circuit An owner s manual for each AC accessory installed on your boat at the factory has been included with your boat Additionally you should make sure you have the manuals for accessories installed by your dealer or that you bring aboard The specification section of theowner smanualwillprovidethewattageoramperagethe accessory requires E...


Page 41: ...AVING THE FUEL PROFESSIONALLY REMOVED 5 2 Fresh Water System Operation Fillthewatersupplytankslowlythroughthelabeleddeckplate on the gunnel After filling the water tank partially open all faucets TheWaterSystembreakerontheDCpanelshouldbe on Allow the pump to run until all of the air is purged from the system and a steady stream of water is flowing from each outlet Next turn off the faucets one by ...

Page 42: ...ain sump assembly Clean debris from the sump and flush with clean water Periodicallyspraythepumpsandmetalcomponentswith a metal protector Thebatteriesmustbeproperlymaintainedandcharged Operating the pressure pump from a battery with a low charge could lead to pump failure Add a commercially available potable water conditioner to the water tank to keep it fresh Note The fresh water system must be p...

Page 43: ...e air conditioner All raw water systems will now be primed Theintakefortheairconditionerrawwaterpumpisequipped withascoopandballvalve Ifthepumprunsbutwillnotprime after cleaning the strainer or at the time of launching make sure the valve is open If the pump still won t prime it may beairlocked Makesurethevalveisopenandruntheboatat or above 15 M P H The water pressure from the scoop will forcethet...

Page 44: ...nel Anoverflowtubeinthedrainfittingautomaticallycontrolsthe water level in the livewell Always turn the pump off when the livewell is not in use Tofillthelivewell inserttheoverflowtubeintothedrainfitting atthebottomofthelivewell Makesurethevalveattheintake thru hullfittingisopenandactivatetheAeratorswitchinhelm switch panel When the water level reaches the overflow it will begin to circulate Todra...

Page 45: ...ner s manual for moreinformationontheoperationandmaintenanceoftheair conditioner A RUPTURED RAW WATER INTAKE OR PRESSURE LINE COULD CAUSE THE BOAT TO TAKE ON WATER AND SINK ALWAYS TURN THE RAW WATER SYSTEMS OFF AND CLOSE THE THRU VALVES WHEN LEAVING THE BOAT UNATTENDED 6 5 RawWaterSystemMaintenance Thefollowingitemsshouldbedoneroutinelytohelpmaintain your raw water system Check hoses particularly ...


Page 47: ...rain Additionaldrainholesaredrilledinthe tubing to drain other areas as required Alwaysmakesurethelegdrainholesareclearwhentheboat is laid up for the winter Water trapped inside the legs could freeze and cause the legs to split 7 4 Bilge Drainage Thesternandforwardbilgepumpsareactivatedbothmanually by a switch in the helm switch panel and automatically by a float switch built into the pump in the ...

Page 48: ...e sump pump circuit breaker in the battery switch panel After showering letthecoldwaterflowforaperiodoftimetoflush the drainage system of soap residue The sump has a remov able hatch to allow the system to be inspected and serviced Italsohasholesdrilledinthetopofthesumplidsothatitcan beusedasabackupbilgepump Itisessentialthatthesump systembeinspectedperiodicallyandanyaccumulateddebris removed 7 7 ...

Page 49: ...enoughtoletaircirculateinto thecabin Alwayssecurethehatchinthewatertightposition whenleavingtheboatunattendedorwhenrunningoffshore Whenthehatchisopen aremovablescreencanbeinstalledin thehatchtrimringtopreventinsectsfromenteringthecabin The screen is secured in place by four twist locks The screen must be removed to open or close the hatch Port Windows Therearetwoopeningportwindowsforthecabin onein...

Page 50: ...s be operating with side curtains closed and the aft or drop curtain installed Extremecautionmustbetakenwhileatanchororinaslipwhen anauxiliarypowergeneratorisoperating Windstillnightscan easilyallowexhaustfumes containinghighconcentrationsof CO fromthegeneratoronyourboatorfromanadjacentboat s generatortoentertheboat Theexhaustfumesmayenteryour boat through open hatches or windows ACarbonmonoxidede...

Page 51: ...ic plastic glass Acrylic glass scratches easily Never use a dry cloth or glass cleaning solutions on acrylic glass Use a soft cloth and mild soap and water for routine cleaning Solvents and productscontainingammoniacanpermanentlydamage acrylic glass Please refer to the Routine Maintenance chapterformoreinformationonthepropermaintenance for acrylic plastic glass Periodically test the carbon monoxid...


Page 53: ...tant All fittings must be periodically inspected for loose fit or wear and damage Any problems should be corrected immedi ately S CO U T B OAT S A R E N OT E Q U I P P E D W I T H HARDWARE DESIGNED FOR TOWING PURPOSES THE MOORING CLEATS ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR TOWING ANOTHER VESSEL OR HAVING THIS BOAT TOWED Anchor Rope Locker The anchor locker is in the bow of the boat and accessed throughahatchint...

Page 54: ...e anchor is lowered by releasing the anchor from the cleat orchainbinderonthepulpitandoperatinga DOWN control at the helm After the anchor is set the windlass must not be left to take the entire force from the anchor line Boats lying totheiranchorinahighswellorheavyweatherconditionswill snub on the line This can cause slippage or apply excessive loads to the windlass The line should be made fast t...

Page 55: ...sition Thenpulltheladderouttotheopenposition Theladdermustberetractedandfoldedintotherecessbefore starting the engines M oving propellers are dangerous They can cause death loss of limbs or other severe injury Do not use the swim platform or swim ladder while an engine is running Stop the engines if divers or swimmers are attempting to board Always remove and properly store the ladder before start...

Page 56: ...s It is hinged and will lower to rest flat on the seat base securing the bottom seat cushion and providing a standing platform To raise the backrest make suretheenginesaredownandraisethewavegate backrestto the full up position Push firmly to secure it with the friction latches Note Periodically inspect the folding seat fittings for wear damage or loose fit Any problems should be inspected and corr...

Page 57: ...rylic plastic glass The two piece hatch is hinged in the middle and on the forward edge It folds as it is opened and rests on the dash forward of the companionway when it is open A lockable latch secures the door and hatch in the closed position The cabin door is not completely water tight and it is normal for somewatertodripintothecabinduringheavyrainsorwhen washing the boat The cabin door is hin...

Page 58: ... and to the rear of the side curtains Snap the drop curtain to the deck and cockpit Hardtop Optional The optional hard top consists of a laminated fiberglass top mounted to a welded anodized or powder coated aluminum framethatisboltedtothedeck Thereisstorageandelectronics lockers built into the forward part of the headliner The top is designedtoaccommodateradioantennas radarantennasand navigationl...

Page 59: ...inside of the bowl Use the grayY valve handle next to the toilet to select where to pump the waste After use close the inlet valve and pump to discharge the waste to the holdingtankoroverboard Oncethewasteisdischarged the toilet should be pumped dry Wastecanbedirectedeitherintotheholdingtankordirectly overboard when legal to do so This is accomplished by the Y valve located in the head compartment...

Page 60: ... cleaned and inspected for leaks regu larly Theholdingtankshouldbepumpedoutandflushedasneeded Always add chemical to the holding tank to help control odor and to chemically break down the waste See the head manufacturer owner s manual for additional operating and maintenance information Important The head system must be properly winter ized before winter lay up Please refer to the Seasonal Mainten...

Page 61: ...ce The stove is designed as an appliance for cooking food Do not attempt to use the stove to heat the cabin Using the stove to heat the cabin could cause the stove to overheat resulting in damage to the stove or a cabin fire Always make sure the cabin is properly ventilated before using the stove The stove EXHAUST CONTAINS CARBON MONOXIDE THAT IS COLORLESS AND ODORLESS CARBON MONOXIDE IS A DANGERO...

Page 62: ...blebeepingwillsoundindicatethepresenceofthetoxic gas This detector is always activated when the batteries are connected and the house battery switch is on A green light on the detector indicates that it is activated Always make sure the house battery is activated and the green light is on whenever the cabin is occupied A by product of combustion carbon monoxide is invisible tasteless odorless and ...

Page 63: ...ed for debris frequently and cleanedasnecessary RefertotheRawWaterSystemchapter for information on the air conditioning pumps and cleaning the sea strainers You should also refer to the air conditioner owner s manual for additional operating and maintenance instructions Note Air conditioners use surface water as a cooling me dium The boat must be in the water and the raw water supply system must b...


Page 65: ...alforinformationon the alarms installed with your engines If the alarms sounds Immediately throttle the engine back to idle Shift to neutral Monitortheenginegaugestodeterminethecauseofthe problem Ifnecessary shutofftheengineandinvestigateuntilthe cause of the problem is found 11 3 Neutral Safety Switch Everycontrolsystemhasaneutralsafetyswitchincorporated into it This device prohibits the engine f...

Page 66: ...ible They are marked with a date showing the service life which must not have expired A minimum of three are required Some pyrotechnicsignalsmeetbothdayandnightuserequirements They should be stored in a cool dry location They include Pyrotechnic red flares hand held or aerial Pyrotechnic orange smoke hand held or floating Launchers for aerial red meteors or parachute flares P yrotechnics are unive...

Page 67: ... signals during periods of reduced visibility Therefore youmusthavesomemeansofmakinganefficient sound signal that is audible for 5 nautical miles Navigation Lights Recreational boats are required to display navigation lights betweensunsetandsunriseandotherperiodsofreducedvis ibility fog rain haze etc Navigation lights are intended to keepothervesselsinformedofyourpresenceandcourse Your Scoutisequi...

Page 68: ...ectors offer a testingandrecertificationprogram Werecommendthatyou contactthemanufacturerofyourcarbonmonoxidedetector and have it tested and recertified periodically Actuation of the carbon monoxide detector indicates the presence of carbon monoxide CO which can be FATAL Evacuate the cabin immediately Do a head count to check that all persons are accounted for Do not reenter the cabin until it has...

Page 69: ...are Propeller 11 9 Caution and Warning Labels 262 Abaco Designator is on the port stbd sides of the windshield Warning Before tilting motor up the wave gate seat back are down sticker is on the helm Caution Shut motors off before using swim platform sticker is on the port inside cockpit wall Warning Seat must be in full locked position while operating vessel sticker is on the top of the stern seat...


Page 71: ...nditions Remember it is the operator s responsibility to use good commonsenseandsoundjudgementinloadingandoperat ing the boat 12 2 Rules of the Road As in driving an automobile there are a few rules you must know for safe boating operation The following information describesthebasicnavigationrulesandactiontobetakenby vessels in a crossing meeting or overtaking situations while operating in inland ...

Page 72: ...y clear of all boats and use good common sense Always be ready to slow down or steer clear of other vessels even if you have the right of way Avoid bright lights that can destroy night vision making it difficult to see navigation lights and the lights of other boats You and your passengers should keep a sharp lookout for hazards other boats and navigational aids Navigation Aids Aidstonavigationare...

Page 73: ...vel 4 cycle engine Turn the battery switches to the ON position Check the bilge water level Look for other signs of potential problems Monitor for the scent of fuel fumes Test the automatic and manual bilge pump switches to make sure the system is working properly THERE MUST BE AT LEAST ONE PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICE ON BOARD FOR EVERY PERSON ON BOARD AND ONE THROW OUT FLOTATION DEVICE CHECK THE U ...

Page 74: ...AND LOCAL LAWS GOVERNING THE USE OF A BOAT D O N OT O P E R AT E T H E B O AT U N L E S S I T I S C O M P L E T E LY A S S E M B L E D K E E P A L L FA S T E N E R S T I G H T K E E P A D J U S T M E N T S ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS Before operating the boat for the first time read the engine break in procedures The Yamaha break in procedures are found in the owner s manual for the engine The man...

Page 75: ...nd stretches to absorb shock It also has a long life and is soft and easy on the hands The line s size will vary with the size of the boat Typically a 30 to 40 foot boat will use 5 8 inch line and a 20 to 30 foot boat will use 1 2 inch line The number of lines and their configuration will vary dependingonthedock therangeofthetide andmanyother factors Usually a combination of bow stern and spring l...

Page 76: ...p for several minutes before releasing the mooring line The boat will already be headed into the wind so move it forward enough to loosen the line and untie it Back the boat away from the mooring until you can see the buoy Move the boat slowly away from the mooring Anchoring Makesurethebitterendoftheanchorlineisattachedtoboat before dropping the anchor Bring the bow into the wind or currentandputt...

Page 77: ...suggest that these activities be left to those who have the equipment and knowledge e g theU S CoastGuardoracommercialtowing company to safely accomplish the towing task THE MOORING CLEATS ON SCOUT BOATS ARE NOT DESIGNED OR INTENDED TO BE USED FOR TOWING PURPOSES THESE CLEATS ARE SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED AS MOORING CLEATS FOR SECURING THE BOAT TO A DOCK PIER ETC DO NOT USE THESE FITTINGS FOR TOWING O...

Page 78: ...if necessary If the injuries are serious call for help Refer totheSafetyEquipmentchapterformoreinformationon first aid and requesting emergency medical assistance M oving propellers are dangerous They can cause death loss of limbs or other severe injury Do not use the swim platform or swim ladder while the engines are running Stop the engines if divers or swimmers are attempting to board Always pr...

Page 79: ...ekeptingoodconditiontoprevent scratching and gouging of the hull Thecapacityratingofthetrailershouldbegreaterthanthe combinedweightoftheboat motor andequipment The grossvehicleweightratingmustbeshownonthetrailer Makesuretheweightoftheboat engine gearandtrailer is not more than the gross vehicle weight rating Make sure the boat is securely fastened on the trailer to preventmovementbetweentheboatand...

Page 80: ...k the trailer would follow in a straight line and prevent the coupler from dragging on the road Make sure the trailer emergency brake cable or chain is also installed to the tow vehicle frame Make sure the LIGHTS on the trailer function properly CHECK THE BRAKES On a level parking area roll forward and apply the brakes several times at increasing speedstodetermineifthebrakesonthetowvehicleand trai...

Page 81: ...checkedmonthlyandchangedwhentheyare 75 of their original size When replacing the anodes make sure the contact surfaces are clean shinny metal and free of paint and corrosion Never paint over the anode Boats stored in saltwater will normally need to have the an odes replaced every 6 months to one year Anodes requiring replacement more frequently may indicate a stray current problemwithintheboatorat...

Page 82: ...e they should be not be used on tower ladders steering wheels and other areas where a good grip and sure footing is important Stains can be removed with a metal polish or fine polishing compound To minimize corrosion use only high quality stainless steel fasteners on aluminum fabrications Isolate the fasteners from the aluminum by using fiber washers and caulkingcompoundorTefgeltobedhardwareandfas...

Page 83: ...ageofgasolinecaneffectengineperformance Chemical changesoccurasthegasolineagesthatcancausedepositsand varnishinthefuelsystemaswellasreducetheoctaneratingof thefuel Severelydegradedfuelcandamagetheenginesand boatfueltankandlines Therefore ifyourboatisnotbeingrun enough to require at least one full tank of fresh fuel a month afuelstabilizershouldbeaddedtothegasolinetoprotectthe fuelfromdegradation Y...

Page 84: ...ater tendency for this type of fabric to leak at the seams than with acrylic or vinyl coated polyester Paraffinwaxthatmatchesthetopcanbeusedtosealtheseams if necessary Laminatedvinylfabricsshouldbecleanedperiodicallybyus ing Ivory Flakes Ivory Liquid or another mild soap and water Scrublightlyandrinsethoroughlytoremovethesoap Donot use detergents or harsh cleaners like bleach and ammonia They will...

Page 85: ...oroughly and reinstall Vinyl headliner material should be cleaned periodically as explained in the previous section Avoid using products containing ammonia bleach or harsh chemicals as they can shorten the life of vinyl Ifyouleavetheboatforalongperiodoftime putallcushions ontheirsides openallinteriorcabinandlockerdoors andhang a commercially available mildew protector in the cabin Note always read...

Page 86: ...e System It is essential that the following items be done periodically to maintain proper drainage of your boat Cleanthecockpitdrainswithahosetoremovedebristhat can block water drainage Clean the hardtop or T top leg drain holes This is especially important just before winter lay up Flushallgravitydrainswithfreshwatertokeepthemclean and free flowing Operatethethru hullvalvesonceamonthandserviceas ...

Page 87: ...iledinformation on preparing the engines for storage Lifting It is essential that care be used when lifting your boat Make sure the spreader bar at each sling is at least as long as the distanceacrossthewidestpointoftheboatthattheslingwill surround Put the slings in position Refer to the sling loca tionsdrawingforthecorrectpositionoftheliftingslings The foreandaftslingsshouldbetiedtogethertopreven...

Page 88: ...oughly clean the interior of the boat Vacuum all carpets and dry clean drapes and upholstery Removecushions open asmanylockerdoorsaspossible Leaving as many of these areas open as possible will improvetheboat sventilationduringthestorageperiod Note It is recommended that a mildew preventer be hung in the head compartment or cabin before it is closed for storage Clean the exterior upholstery with a...

Page 89: ... 15 minutes prior to winter storage This will remove salt sand andothercontaminatesthatcandamagetheengine Itisalso importantto Fog thecylinders changethegearoil filltheoil tanks 2 cycle engines or change the oil in 4 cycle engines coattheenginewithaprotector waxtheexteriorandproperly store and charge the battery You should refer to theYamaha engine owner s manual or contact your dealer for specifi...

Page 90: ...inesfordamageandfollowthemanufacturer s instructions for recommissioning Check the mounting bolts for the engines to make sure they are tight Perform all routine maintenance Check all hose clamps for tightness Pump the antifreeze from the freshwater and raw water systems and flush several times with freshwater Make sure all antifreeze is flushed from the head before it is activated Check and lubri...

Page 91: ...91 Appendix A SCHEMATICS Main Harness ...

Page 92: ...92 Battery Select Panel ...

Page 93: ...93 Battery Select Panel Wiring ...

Page 94: ... Engine 3 4 House Pos Neg Battery Post for Engine Power Hook up Main Harness Breaker Panel Bow Light Windless Wire See Main Harness drawing for bilge wiring Refrigerator Windlass opt Forward Bilge Sump Waterpump DC Electrical Systems Switch Panel 1 3 2 4 Flush Cabin Lights Controlled by interior Light switch on Switch Panel Head Light ...

Page 95: ...95 Galvanic Islolator Shore Power Inlet Galley Receptacle AC Panel Refrigerator Receptacle Head Receptacle Helm Receptacle AC Electrical Systems ...

Page 96: ...96 Fill Line Fuel Vent Fuel Fill Sending Unit Fuel System Fuel Water Separator Yamaha 10 Micron Filter Prt MAR FUELF IL TR Vent Line Fuel Water Seperator ...

Page 97: ...ld Fresh Water Fill Seacock for Toilet Raw Water Pump Fresh water Tank Freshwater Tank Vent Toilet Seacock W aerator pump Water Pump Galley Sink Water Supply to Toilet Fresh water Shower Raw water Shower Bait Well Water System ...

Page 98: ...Livewell Drain Cockpit Scuppers Splashwell Drains Discharge Pump Aft Bilge Freshwater Tank Forward Bilge Outlet Anchor Box Drain Sump Pump Forward Bilge Pump Head Sink Drain Head Floor Drain Sump Outlet Waste Outlet Waste Holding Tank Vent Drainage System Aft Bilge Outlet Waste Handling Tank Discharge Pump Outlet ...

Page 99: ...99 Sea Star Hydraulic Non Tilt Helm 1 7 Square inch Prt HH5271 Sea Star 22 hydraulic lines with bulkhead fittings Optional Teleflex Power Assist Prt PA1200 Hydraulic System ...

Page 100: ...ting at one end shaped to aid in extending one s reach from the side of the boat Bow The front end of a boat s hull Bow Line A line that leads forward from the bow of the boat Bow Rail Knee high rails of solid tubing to aid in preventing people from falling overboard Bridge The area from which a boat is steered and con trolled Bridge Deck A deck forward and usually above the cockpit deck Broach Wh...

Page 101: ... the waterline to the lowest part of the deck Galley The kitchen of a boat Grab Rail Hand hold fittings mounted on cabin tops or sidesforpersonalsafetywhenmovingaroundtheboat both on deck and below GroundTackle A general term including anchors lines and other gear used in anchoring Grounds A boat touches the bottom Gunwale The upper edge of a boat s side Hand Rail Rail mounted on the boat for grab...

Page 102: ...PileorPiling Alongcolumndrivenintothebottomtowhich a boat can be tied Pitching The fore and aft rocking motion of a boat as the bow rises and falls Pitch The measure of the angle of a propeller blade Refers tothetheoreticaldistancetheboattravelswitheachrevolution of the propeller P F D Personal Flotation Device Port The left side of the boat when facing the bow Porthole port The opening in the sid...

Page 103: ...ter from over the side Swimming Ladder Much the same as the boarding ladder except that it extends down into the water Taffrail Rail around the rear of the cockpit Thru hull Afittingusedtopassfluids usuallywater through the hull surface either above or below the waterline Topsides The side skin of a boat between the waterline or chine and deck Transom A flat stern at right angles to the keel Trave...

Page 104: ...104 Appendix C MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE AND LOG ...

Page 105: ...105 MAINTENANCE LOG Hours Date Dealer Service Repairs ...

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Page 109: ...109 MAINTENANCE LOG Hours Date Dealer Service Repairs ...

Page 110: ...ation Other ACCIDENT DATA DATE OF ACCIDENT TIME am pm NAME OF BODY OF WATER LOCATION Give location precisely Lat Long STATE NEAREST CITY OR TOWN COUNTY WEATHER Clear Rain Cloudy WATER CONDITIONS Calm waves less than 6 Choppy waves 6 to 2 Rough greater than 6 Strong Current TEMPERATURE Estimate Air F Water F WIND None Light 0 6mph Moderate 7 14 mph Strong 15 25 VISIBILITY DAY NIGHT Good Fair Poor E...

Page 111: ...eeded attach separately Continue on additional sheets if necessary Include any information regarding the involvement of alcohol and or drugs in causing or contributing to the accident Include any descriptive information about the use of PFD s INJURED VESSEL NO 2 if more than 2 vessels attach additional form s DECEASED ACCIDENT DESCRIPTION Name of Owner Telephone Number Name of Operator Address Add...

Page 112: ...r License Color and make of auto 7 Persons aboard Name Age Address telephone No 8 Do any of the persons aboard have a medical problem Yes No If yes what 9 Trip Expectations Leave at From Going to Expect to return by time and no later than 10 Any other pertinent info 11 If not returned by time call the COAST GUARD or Local authority 12 Telephone Numbers Scout recommends filling out a float plan eac...


Page 114: ...loose connections The starter or ignition switch is bad Theboatmaybeneedtohavemarinegrowthcleanedfrom hull and running gear Propellers may be damaged need repair Weeds or line around the propeller Clean propeller Boat is overloaded Reduce load Check for excessive water in the bilge Pump out bilge find correct the problem Thethrottleadjustmenthaschangedandtheengineisnot getting full throttle Adjust...

Page 115: ...e on board computer has sensed a problem and has limited the RPM to protect the engine Find correct the problem The tachometer is bad and needs to be replaced The oil tank on the 2 cycle engine is low on oil Fill the engine oil tank Refer to the engine owner s manual The engine may be having a problem with a sticky Anti siphonvalve locatedinthefuellinenearthefueltank that is restricting the fuel f...

Page 116: ... proper ventilation The boat is operating at slow speed and the wind is on the sternpushingCOintothecockpitandcabin Increaseboat speed or change heading if possible The carbon monoxide detector is defective and needs to be calibrated by the manufacturer or replaced Have the boatcheckedbyaprofessionalbeforecondemningtheCO monitor The water tank is empty Fill the tank The in line strainer for the pu...

Page 117: ...circuit breaker The battery is dead Charge or replace the battery The pump impeller is jammed by debris Clean pump impeller housing The wire connections in the bilge have corroded Replace connectors and secure above the bilge waterline The automatic switch is defective Replace the switch The pump is defective Replace pump The circuit breaker supplying the switch has tripped Reset the circuit break...

Page 118: ...he holding tank Add deodorizer to the holding tank each time it is pumped out The waste in the tank is over two weeks old Pump the holding tank if it has contained waste for two weeks or more The thermostat in the refrigerator is set too cold Check the temperature in the refrigerator and set the thermostat to a warmer setting if possible The door gasket is dirty or moldy and not sealing properly C...

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Page 120: ...120 Scout Boats Inc 2531 Hwy 78 West Summerville SC 29483 ...
