background image



    • For the stroller’s basket which is located under the seat, the maximum permi�ed weight 

is 2KG

    • Clean the frame and shopping basket regularly using a damp cloth. Do not use abrasive 


    • Remove the detachable wheels once a month to clean the axles.

    • Folding and unfolding a stroller can result in entrapped, crushed or scissored fingers of 

caregivers as well as children. That is why it is advised the keep the child away when 

folding/ unfolding stroller, and causa�ons for the adults performing the ac�vity

    • Whenever the stroller is at a stand-s�ll the brake must be ac�ve so that the stroller 

can’t roll away.

    • Always engage the brake as soon as you stop

    • Do not hang shopping bags or parcels from the handles. This will make the stroller 

unstable and cause it to �p over

    • Store parcels in the container underneath the stroller and stabilize their weight evenly

    • Do not put more children in a stroller than it is designed for.

    • The stroller is not recommended for young babies to sleep in or as a subs�tute for a 

proper cot

    • Do not allow your child to stand in the stroller.

    • A child must be always secured with a 5-point safety harness system

    • Do not mount any parts when a child is in the stroller

    • Never leave the stroller on a sloped surface, with a child on board, 

even with the 

brakes engaged

    • If the stroller has been exposed directly to sunlight for a long �me, it must cool down 

before placing a child inside of it.

    • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may cause the colors of the material and fabric to 


    • Prevent the stroller from contact with salty water. It might cause the forma�on of rust

    • Make sure that the person using the stroller knows how to do it in the safest way

    • Always pay a�en�on when walking on the pavement or other paths



 do not let your child play with this product



 always use the restraint system

    • The product must be assembled by an adult

The pictures are for reference only. The real design of the product may differ from the pictures presented. 

1 Headrest

2 Guardrail

3 5-point seatbelt

4 Footrest

5 Front wheels

6 Handle grip

7 Canopy

8 Folding hook

9 One hand folding system

10 Skylight


11 Backrest adjustment belt

12 Basket

13 Brake pedal

14 Rear wheels
