place, and tape in position until the glue has
Remove, check the fit, and reinforce all the joints
properly with some 30 minute epoxy and micro-
balloon mixture. Finally you can glue the pheno-
lic ‘U’ shaped plate under the slot in the fuselage
ply plate and use this to adjust the final canopy
fit. Filing the slot at a slight angle to match the
phenolic hook gives the final fine adjustment.
To make sure that the sides of the canopy match
perfectly with the fuselage shape you can add a
couple of small phenolic tongues, as shown, and
file matching slots in the fuselage lip. We have
included a spare strip of phenolic plate (15mm x
50mm) for this purpose.
If you fit a gas or glow engine with higher
vibration levels, we advise you to also fit 2 ply-
wood tongues with blind nuts and M3 bolts to
retain the canopy, in a similar manner as the
cowling fixing system shown below.
Attaching the 1 piece cowling is quite easy, as it
is already cut and trimmed at the factory, but be
careful not to deform the fuselage in this area
later when fitting the bulkheads for your choice
of motor/power unit. No bulkheads should be a
tight fit in the fuselage, sand as needed to make
them a gentle sliding fit.
Sand any seams on the fuselage and cowling
that might prevent it sitting perfectly flush. Now
carefully wax all around the mating surfaces of the fuselage
and cowling in case you should get some glue on there during
the next steps.
The cowl is secured to the fuselage with four M3 bolts and blind
nuts, fitted into 3mm milled plywood plates which are glued into
the fuselage. Additionally you should add 2 small phenolic
tongues at the back lower corners of the fuselage lip to main-
tain alignment, and prevent any rubbing or damage due to
Mark the positions of the 4 plywood tongues on masking tape on the cowling lip, and mill and file
the slots to take the plywood parts that have a milled hole in them. The outside edges of these
slots should be about 5mm from the outside edge of the cowling lip. Make the slots 5mm wide
to easily accept the thickness of the plywood tongues with the blind nuts glued on.
Composite-ARF Extra 330L
(2 x 2m)