first, then make a template to ensure that the other
horn is positioned the same.
Servo choice:
We highly recommend using a hi-
torque digital servo (eg: JR/Graupner 8411) for each
aileron as the surfaces are quite large.
The servo hatches are pre-cut in the wing, and sup-
plied with matching servo covers and CNC milled ply-
wood servo mounts. Sand the inside surface of the
servo hatch covers and the milled plywood parts that
make up the servo mounts to make sure you have a
good gluing surface.
Assemble the servo mounts from the milled plywood
parts for each servo, using thin CA and a 90° square.
Fix the servos into the mounts with the 2.9Ø x13mm
screws supplied in the kit, and place them on the
hatch covers to check that the servo arms are in the
centre of the slots milled in the hatch covers, and
aligned with the aileron horns. Allow for the extra thick-
ness of the C-ARF servo horns that will be fixed onto
the standard plastic servo arms. You may need to
make the slots in the servo hatch covers a little wider,
by 1mm or so.
Tack glue the servo mounts to the hatch covers with
CA, then remove the servos and reinforce the glue
joints between the servo mount and the servo
cover plate with slow (min. 30 minute) epoxy
and milled fibre, with a nice glue fillet all around
(see photo). These are important joints!
Centre the servos using your R/C and fit the C-
ARF phenolic servo arms to the plastic output
discs using the same method as for the elevator
servos. Secure with 2 screws each, as for the
elevators. Fix the covers to the wing with 4
sheet-metal screws 2.9Ø x10mm provided.
Finally make up the linkages from the M3 x
60mm threaded rods supplied, with 2 clevises
and 2 x M3 locknuts for each linkage. Don’t for-
get to ‘Loctite’ the clevise and lock-nut on one
end of each linkage, and fit short lengths of tube
to prevent clevises from opening accidentally.
use ball-links if you use these C-ARF
servo arms, because they will twist the servo
arm and cause flutter. This is a solid experience
and you should consider it a
Composite-ARF Extra 330L
(2 x 2m)