Horizontal Stabs
The stabs are 95% finished at the factory and
are elastic-hinged during manufacture, so you
only need to install the servos, horns and link-
ages. The fibreglass tube inside the fuselage
that accepts the stab spar is also installed at the
factory in a jig.
Insert the 14mm Ø carbon spar in the fuselage
sleeve, and install both stabs with the 50mm
long 6mm Ø fibreglass rod anti-rotation pins at
the front. Check the fit between the root ribs and
fuselage, and if you need to sand the root of the
stabs slightly to make a perfect joint use the
same method shown in the ‘Wing’ section of
these instructions. The carbon tube may need to
be shortened a little to 275mm long.
The positions of the holes in the fuselage for the
anti-rotation pins are made in the mould and
give 0° stab incidence. Drill them out 6mmØ and
glue the small plywood/carbon reinforcing rings
to the inside of the fuselage with a little 30 min.
epoxy and microballoons mix. Then fit the anti-
rotation pins into the holes in the stab roots, wax
the ends that will go into the fuse and ply rings,
and glue them into the ribs securely with epoxy.
Servo choice:
The elevators can travel more
than 45 degrees, and if you are going to use the
maximum throw for 3D manoeuvres, we defi-
nitely recommend hi-torque digital servos like
JR8411. It is not just that the torque of a stan-
dard servo is not enough - it is the play in the gears which
could cause problems centering, and high speed flutter
might be the result.
The elevator servos are installed in the fuselage, due to the
thin stab profile. Put some masking tape on the fuselage, as
shown, and cut the 2 holes to size for your servos. If using
a standard sized servo, like the JR/Graupner 8411, then the
back of the servo cutouts should be 152mm (6”) from the
back of the fuselage, and the bottom edge 10 - 12mm above
the lower chine (angled corner) of the fuselage. Use the
3mm milled plywood reinforcing plates to mark the holes accurately and file to shape with a
Permagrit file or similar. Rough up the inside of the fuselage carefully, and glue the ply plates in
place with 30 min epoxy and micro-balloons mixture.
Screw the servos into place with the 2.9Ø x 13mm screws provided in the kit -
the stan-
dard screws that come with the servos.
Composite-ARF Extra 330L
(2 x 2m)