careful to keep the weight down at the tail end.
Generally you can use the same methods as
described above in the ‘Hacker’ installation, to
set the correct sidethrust and upthrust etc, and
for gluing in the bulkheads and battery supports.
However you should set both the correct side-
upthrust when installing the motor
mounting bulkhead.
The Plettenberg motor is mounted at the back
onto a CNC milled 2mm carbon plate supplied in
the Elec-option pack with three M4 x 6mm bolts,
and then the completed assembly is bolted to
the front carbon/ply bulkhead using 3 plastic
grommets (with carbon washers on both sides)
and an M4 bolt through the grommet, into M4
blind nuts on the back face of the bulkhead. Fit
one carbon washer on the front of the grom-
mets, and 2 washers on the back to give clear-
ance for the 3 bolts that secure the motor to the
2mm thick carbon plate. Add a drop of Loctite on
these engine mounting bolts !
The front bulkhead (at the back of the motor)
must be glued into the fuselage with about 0.5°
upthrust setting, and with the 3° sidethrust using
the same method as the Hacker front bulkhead.
Very small (+/- 0.5°) thrustline adjustments can
be made by adding additional washers between
the carbon washers and the bulkhead.
The horizontal support plate (3mm balsa/car-
bon) is fitted behind the front bulkhead, secured
to the top of the side flanges. This plate can only
be fitted one way round - as the front is milled at
a 3° angle to suit the right sidethrust.
The back balsa/carbon bulkhead is glued inside
the flanges at the back of the engine bay, at an
angle (see photos), using the carbon battery
mounting tubes for alignment. The holes for the
2 carbon tubes have been milled a little small in
this back bulkhead, and you must open them up
at the correct angle with a round file. Tack glue
both bulkheads with a drop of thick CA, and
secure with slow epoxy and microballoons as
above after checking the thrustline angles.
: All 3 Plettenberg bulkheads
are marked with a milled ‘P’.
Composite-ARF Extra 330L
(2 x 2m)
25-13 assembly