clearance above to the wing spar tube, and
4mm below to the landing gear fixing bolts/blind
nuts. An alternative is the MTW TD75 mini-pipe
which is smaller diameter and gives more clear-
ance, but is a bit longer. If you chose this then
the cooling exit hole for the pipe will be further
back in the fuselage. You may need to bend the
header a little to suit whichever mini-pipe you
chose. This simple pipe retaining system has
been used for many years in all our planes, and
holds the pipes securely, while still being flexible
enough to prevent them breaking under normal
The air exit hole in the bottom of the fuselage
should be at about 65mm wide and 110mm long
for both pipes. Round the corners to reduce any
chance of tearing in the composite skin.
The header, and both the TD75K and TD75
mini-pipes are available from C-ARF as options.
Please call your Composite-ARF Rep. if
you need any additional help with the motor
and mini-pipe installation.
Fuel Tank Base
Included in the kit are CNC milled balsa/com-
posite parts to make up a fuel-tank base, which
also incorporates a receiver mount. The photos
show how the parts are assembled, and the
completed unit is then glued on top of the fibre-
glass wing spar tube in the centre of the fuse-
lage with epoxy and micro-balloons mix.
Reinforce the joint where the vertical balsa sup-
port is glued to the fuselage bottom with a short
piece of 1” glassfibre tape and laminating resin.
The tank base is designed for fitting a Dubro 24
oz tank/700 ml (Part#424) and this is more than
big enough even for a DA-50.
If you wish to mount your receiver on the vertical
support at the back of the tank base, then glue
the milled 3mm plywood stick to the inside sur-
face, centred on the 2 large holes, wrap the
receiver in thick foam and and fix it in place with
2 No.#80 rubber bands.
The fuel tank is held to the tank base with 3
cable-ties (see photo on page 23). Drill a hole in
Composite-ARF Extra 330L
(2 x 2m)