Composite-ARF Extra 330L
(2 x 2m)
A painted moulded fibreglass
canopy is provided in the kit,
and at this time a clear cock-
pit is not available. Fitting is
simple, and with care the
canopy fit can be perfect.
Sand any seams on the fuse-
lage and canopy that prevent
it sitting perfectly flush. Mill and file the slot on the fuselage cen-
treline for the handle of hatch catch. The slot should be 2.5mm
wide x 15mm long, and the front of the slot is about 18mm behind
the edge of the fuselage moulding.
Fit the hatch catch into the white moulded plas-
tic part. You might need to drill out the hole in the
plastic part a little for a good fit. Chamfer the
front and top edges of the plastic moulding to
match the fuselage shape. Drill a 3mm Ø hole in
the fuselage flange for the pin of the catch. Apply
a little light oil or grease to the mechanism of the
hatch catch to prevent it being glued together,
and use thin CA to glue it into the plastic mould-
ing, then glue the whole assembly inside the
fuselage with 1 or 2 drops of thick CA. When the
canopy is finished this must be secured proper-
ly with some epoxy/microballoon mix. Mark the
hole on the back lip of the canopy and drill 3mm.
Fit the canopy to the fuselage and check the fit.
Sand under the front lip of the fuselage, and
then use a drop of thick CA to glue in the 3mm
milled plywood part in centrally as shown, with
the front edge of the slot in line with the fibre-
glass fuselage edge.
Glue the phenolic hook into the other milled ply
part (with the curved edge to the front), as
shown, with one drop of thin CA. The top of the
hook should be almost flush with the surface of
the plywood. Test fit in the ply part in the fuse-
lage. Now carefully wax the mating surfaces of
the fuselage and canopy in case you should get
some glue on there during the next step.
Sand the inside of the front of the canopy where
the hook plate will be glued in preparation. Slide
the hook plate into position on the fuselage part
and then apply a little 5 min epoxy to the edges
of the hook plate. Quickly slide the canopy into