Setting the
ng the
parameter sets
Two different sets of parameters are saved in the MPXone memory. These default sets can never be
overwritten, being stored in a non- modifiable memory area. When resetting the system using the
configuration wizard, one of the two configurations can be selected. The parameter set, differentiated by
the user to control the specific refrigeration system, can be saved and uploaded to the linked cloud
account using the Applica app.
Procedure for setting the default parameters/loading the parameter set
Set 0, called the working set, contains the set of parameters used by MPXone during normal operation.
This set is loaded whenever MPXone is started, and the parameters can be modified at any time from the
terminal, supervisor, APPLICA app and configuration software.
The other two sets of parameters, numbered 1 and 2, contain other lists of parameters, preloaded by
CAREL during production, which can be copied as desired to the working set (Set 0). These sets of
parameters, unlike Set 0, can only be modified using the appropriate configuration software. The sets of
parameters, once differentiated by the manufacturer of the unit, can be loaded so as to rapidly set a list of
parameters, with corresponding values, to control the refrigeration system.
User interface
1. power down the controller;
2. press PRG:
3. power up the controller again while holding PRG: at the end, the number 0 is displayed, which
signifies the parameters have been reset to the default values;
4. to reset the parameters to the default values, press PRG and select 0, otherwise go to step 5;
5. press UP/DOWN to choose the set of parameters (1 or 2) to be loaded as the working set, and confirm
by pressing PRG;
6. complete (if required) the commissioning procedure (see “Commissioning”)
1. open Applica on the smartphone;
2. access the controller via NFC or Bluetooth, entering your profile credentials;
3. follow the path “Configurations/Configuration list”;
4. select the "Default" or "Custom" label;
5. confirm the configuration to be opened (if connected to the controller via NFC, select Upload at the
top right and move the smartphone closer to MPXone, while via Bluetooth the update will be
completed automatically).
Applica: copy
To simplify operations in the field, Applica includes a "Clone" feature to acquire the configuration from
one unit and replicate it “one-for-one” to other cabinets.
1. open Applica on the smartphone;
2. access the controller via NFC or Bluetooth, entering the profile credentials;
3. follow the path "Configurations/Clone";
4. move the smartphone closer to the MPXone to acquire the configuration from;
5. following the acknowledgement message, move the smartphone closer to the MPXone to apply the
same configuration to;
6. wait for the cloning confirmation message to be shown.
| 2. Installation
0300086EN rel. 1.0 – 04.09.2018