Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer User Manual
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Rev. 0 2018-06
The Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer unit requires a level counter top surface of a minimum of 12 inches wide by 13 inches deep with a height clearance of 16
inches. The Gram Stain Kit (Cat. No. CHB-AGS-SK) and a container filled with deionized water should be positioned at the same level as the instrument immediately
on the left side connected by the tubing coming out of the machine. Do not place reagents below the instrument.
The Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer has one tube that drains all of the waste fluids. The Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer unit drain line can be placed
down a drain or into another disposal container to accommodate the waste fluids according to your facility and local regulations.
The Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer consumes less than 400 watts of power and uses an external power supply module that is supplied with 47- 63 Hz,
100-240V, 8-4A line power. The unit requires power from a grounded outlet. The Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer overvoltage category is II, the transient
overvoltage is 1440 volts, and the pollution category is 2. The IP protection is IP20.
The Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer is installed with tubing sets to connect the instrument to the reagents. The reagent supply line is equipped with
a cannula (rigid tube) to immerse in the reagent supply container. Labels attached to those lines indicate which reagent is to be used with each line.
The line labeled as DI Water needs to be immersed in the water supply container to supply the machine with available water.
Unpacking and set-up assistance for the Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer may be obtained by calling the Cardinal Health™ Technical Support Department
serviced by QuickSlide™ at (800) 266-2222 (ext. 2) during the hours of 8a.m. – 5p.m, Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.
The external power supply is a Class I supply that must be connected to an earthed (grounded) main power outlet. Failure to connect the Single Slide Automated
Gram Stainer as specified will prevent the electrical safety protection features to function as designed.
The power supply is equipped with one attached power cord and one removable power cord. The attached power cord is equipped with a connector that
plugs into the Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer rear panel receptacle near the power switch. The removable power cord adapts the IEC style connector
on the power supply to the local standard AC outlet. The cord supplied by Cardinal Health™ is appropriate for the country of operation.
Standard microbiological supplies, such as Gram’s Iodine, Stabilized Dropper Bottle (Cat. No. CHB-GS-DI), Microscope Slide Charged Adhesion Frosted 25mmX75mm
1mm (Cat. No. M6143), Cuvette Swabs (Cat. No. CHB-GS-CS), and Gram Stain QC Slides (Cat. No. CHB-GS-QC), Gram Stain Kit (Cat. No. CHB-AGS-SK),
System Cleaner (Cat. No. CHB-AGS-SC), and Replacement Tubing (Cat. No. CHB-AGS-RT)
5.1 General Information
The Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer accomplishes automatic Gram staining by a systematically staining, rinsing, decolorizing, and counter-staining the
provided biological specimen. It is critical for the success of this automated process that the unit utilizes the Gram Stain Kit (Cat. No. CHB-AGS-SK)
from Cardinal Health™.
For quality control purposes, Gram Stain Kits are labeled with a Kit Number, Lot Number, and Expiration Date. These values are used to track and identify the
Gram Stain Kit used in the unit, and are entered into the system as part of the Gram Stain Kit Registration procedure as explained in section 8.1.
5.2 Ordering Information
The Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer software monitors consumption of the Gram Stain Kit. When starting each Stain Cycle, the system displays a count of
the remaining number of stain cycles available in the current kit. This remaining count should be carefully monitored so that fresh reagents may be ordered and
available when needed.
5.3 Gram Stain Kit Installation
The Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer reagents are supplied to the unit through tubes connected to the individual reagent containers. Each tube is clearly
labeled with a color coded tag, and the tube cannula must be inserted into the correct reagent container. Tubes are also provided for connection to a deionized
water container and to a waste fluid drain. Use care to ensure that these lines are properly connected before use of the Single Slide Automated Gram Stain unit.
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