Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer User Manual
Art specifications
IFU/Manual - 8"Wx10"H
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All art prints PMS 185 Red and
100% Black.
Rev. 0 2018-06
Open the new Gram Stain Kit and insert the labeled cannula into the corresponding reagent bottles.
From the Main Menu,
Press [ 2 ]
on the key pad to select
8.1.7 Press [ 2 ]
on the key pad to select
8.1.8 Press [ 1 ]
on the key pad to select
Review Reagents
This display will show the current kits information.
8.1.9 Press [ 1 ]
on the key pad to select
Change Kit
The display will now should the preregistration menu. At this menu, the instrument reminds the operator that a Scrub Cycle is required before the
installation of a new reagent kit. Refer to section 9.3 for details on how to run a Scrub Cycle. Once the Scrub has completed, the old reagent bottles may be
replaced with new ones.
Once the blinking cursor appears next to the Kit Number, use the key pad to enter in the Kit Number as it reads on the new reagent kit label.
Using the key pad, enter in the Lot Number and Expiration Date into the appropriate fields as it reads on the new reagent kit label.
8.1.12 Press [ # ]
on the key pad to select
and save the kit registration information.
8.1.13 Press [ * ]
on the key pad
8.1.14 Press [ 1 ]
on the key pad to
Update Reagent Log
and activate the kit.
Entry of invalid numbers or numbers from a previously used Gram Stain Kit, will result in the display of an error message.
8.2 Pump Replacement Tube Procedure
All eight pump tubes must be replaced to ensure proper function of the Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer at least every six months, depending on
frequency of use. The Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer keeps track of the number of tubing cycles remaining, and will notify when a new pump tube
kit is necessary. Each replacement tubing kit will last 1,100 cycles, see section 9.0 for routine maintenance.
8.2.1 Press [ 1 ]
on the key pad to select
8.2.2 Press [ 4 ]
on the key pad to select
, repeat this step
to make sure all of the reagents are emptied from the tubes.
Turn the unit
Open the front panel
by removing the four thumb screws.
All eight pump tubes and rollers will be displayed. It is recommended to replace one tube at a time from left to right to keep correct tube placement.
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