Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer User Manual
Art specifications
IFU/Manual - 8"Wx10"H
Do not alter art or size.
All art prints PMS 185 Red and
100% Black.
Rev. 0 2018-06
11.1 Unit Shut Down Instructions
Refer to section 9.3.1 - 9.3.7 for step by step instructions of how to run a Scrub cycle, but
omit the final Prime step
11.1.1 Run a Scrub Cycle
When the screen prompt reads “Replace tubes into proper stains” pull all of the cannulas out of the system cleaner bottle and place them onto a paper
towel. Then, press any key to continue.
For the Scrub procedure it is recommended that the System Cleaner for Single Slide Automated Gram Stainer (Cat. No. CHB-AGS-SC) is used.
Alternatively, decolorizer can be used if there is no available system cleaner.
11.1.2 Return to the Main Menu
11.1.3 Press [ 1 ] on the key pad to select Run then Press [ 4 ] on the key pad to select Purge.
11.1.4 Turn the system power switch OFF
11.1.5 Remove all eight orange pump tubes from the pump tube rollers Open the front panel
by removing the four thumb screws.
stretch the tubes
off of the pump rollers without disconnecting the white nylon elbows.
11.1.6 Replace the front panel
using the four thumb screws.
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