Version 1.0
We’re here to help! If you encounter any issues during assembly, please contact us at:
The proximity switch upgrade kit includes everything you need to replace your original homing switches on belted-X/Z
or HDZ machines.
Compatibility Requirements
The new inductive proximity switches only work with Carbide Motion board version 2.4d and newer. Check the version
of your Carbide Motion board before beginning assembly to make sure it is compatible.
You will need to upgrade to the latest version of Carbide Motion. Download it from:
How to Use this Assembly Guide
simplicity, we’ve split up th
is guide to individually address the assembly process for the two machine versions:
For Belted-X/Z Proximity Switch Upgrade, please go to page 5.
For HDZ Proximity Switch Upgrade, please go to page 24.
Special Instructions and Call-Outs
There are minor differences in the installation procedures between Shapeoko 3,
XL, and XXL. We’ve added special
notes to guide you whenever these differences require alternate instructions:
Throughout the guide you will also
find information that we’ve called out for you to pay parti
cular attention to. We use
three additional types of call-outs, WARNINGS, NOTES and PRO TIPS:
Directional References
In this guide, any reference or instructions with regard to direction or placement, such as: Front, Back, Left, Right, etc.
are given from the perspective of one standing in front of and facing the machine. This is true, even when a photo is
taken from the rear of the machine. We also
use the term “Y1” in place of “Y
Axis Left” and “Y2” in place of “Y
Right” to help avoid directional con
These call-outs will draw your attention to special instructions for different models.
This is a warning
please pay close attention.
This is a note
information that points out critical steps or information for future reference.
This is a pro tip
helpful, but optional, installation tips.