IX240 Film Viewer
After a film is processed, the exposure tab on the cartridge is
snapped downward. The winder will free wheel unless this tab
has been adequately depressed. If the winder is not rolling the
film, first check that the film has been processed and then further
depress this tab before attempting to use the winder.
This the chamber that holds the IX240 film cartridge for viewing.
(3) Film Cartridge Chamber Lid
The lid is opened by matching the indicator marks on the viewer’s
underside and pushing the open lever in the direction of the
“open” mark. The lever will return to the closed position once the
chamber lid has been closed and will lock until the indicator marks
on the viewer’s underside are properly aligned and the film has
been completely rewound.
The film indicator will be red when the film cartridge is first inserted
or has been completely rewound, but will be blank when the film is
partially or fully extended around the rollers. As a safety feature,
the film cartridge chamber lid cannot be opened unless this
indicator is red, even when the indicator marks on the viewer’s
underside are properly aligned.
Turn the winder counter-clockwise to unroll the film for viewing.
Turning it clockwise rewinds the film into the cartridge. The winder
will not operate with partially exposed film that is mistakenly
inserted into the film cartridge chamber.
This crank is useful for quickly winding or rewinding film.
This lever is for opening the lid of the IX240 film cartridge
As a safety feature, the lever will not operate unless the indicator
marks on the viewer’s underside are properly aligned (using the )
and the film cartridge has been completely rewound (the film
indicator is red).
(8) Film Counter Window
The number of the picture frame appearing in the scanning
window will appear in this window.
The film appearing in this window will be scanned. Align the
desired picture frame within the scanning window in preparation
for scanning, using the crank to wind and rewind the film as
These marks must be properly aligned, using the winder, to allow
the film cartridge chamber lid to be opened.
Insert the film viewer into the Film Scanner in the direction
indicated by this arrow.
• The insertion arrow is not pre-labeled when
it arrives from the factory. You must stick
the label on yourself.