(1) In the pattern prediction section, the line currently being processed
and the current line are compared, and judged to match or not match.
A flag showing whether or not the lines match (1 bit, 0: match, 1:
don’t match) is attached to the head of each line according to this judg-
ment. When the lines match, only this flag is encoded in the arithmetic
encoding section as a suspected pixel, the pixel of the line being cur-
rently processed is not encoded. When the lines do not match, the
pixel of the line currently being processed is encoded in the arithmetic
encoding section based on the results of a comparison of the value of
the actual pixel and the pixel (white or black) which is predicted using
the model template and the study table.
When the lines are judged to match, the line currently being processed is
said to be “typical”. When the lines are judged to not match, the line is said
to be “not typical”. When the very first line of an image is predicted, the
background color is used as the previous line.
(2) In the model template, the combination (10-bit pixel pattern) of 10
pixels is output to the arithmetic encoding section using the template
shown below (inside the bold outline).
All of the 10-bit pixel patterns inside this template exist in the study
table. This 10-bit pixel pattern is used by the arithmetic encoding sec-
tion to refer to the predicted value of the pixel and the status number in
the study table which correspond to the 10-bit pixel pattern.
Fig. 5-27 Model Templates
There are two types of model templates to 3-line and 2-line, and the one
selected is designated by the LRLTWO inside the Bi-level Image Header
section (BIH). The pixel shown by “X” is an encoded pixel and is outside
of the template.
The pixel shown by “AT” is a special pixel known as an AT pixel. The AT
pixel becomes a Adaptive Template by having its position moved, and is
3-line model template
2-line model template