Auxiliary line
pressure sensor
value out of range
Too many values of the
external sensor out of
range (negative pressure)
Sensor disconnect
Damaged circuit
wires or connectors
Faulty auxiliary line sensor
Faulty SCM
1- Go to Activations - SCM and start
Rear Test routine. Verify that the
Shock Absorber Pressure and the
Auxiliary Line Pressure correlates
in BUDS. If the test is done with
no fault, the system is working
properly. Check the harness and
connection to see a potential source
of intermittent dysfunction, if nothing
is found clear the occurred fault
and no more actions have to be
done. If the Test Status shows a
Fail_Comparison_Sensor_Test, verify
for leak. If no leak found, verify
the wiring and connector of the
external sensor and the SCM. In
the next action step, verify which
of Shock absorber or Auxiliary Line
Pressure sensors is defective.
2-Make sure to have no pressure
in the system by activating the
relief valve in Activation -SCM.
Connect the supplied air hose into
the compressor fitting and plug
it to a known pressure supply in
the range of 30 to 120 psi (as car
tire) and compare it to the Shock
absorber pressure and Auxiliary
line pressure, it should be similar.
If the Shock absorber pressure
is off, change the SCM module.
Go to next action step to perform
Auxiliary Line Pressure sensor test.
3-Back probe the signal coming from
the sensor between the pin 3 of the
SCM electrical connector and the
negative battery post (this action
must be done with special probe
to not damage the connector seal).
The value must be between 0.9
and 8.3 Volts for a pressure range
of 0 - 100 psi. If not go to next
action step. If the value is in the
range, the Auxiliary Line Pressure
sensor is fine, change the SCM.
5- Unplug the Auxiliary Line Pressure
sensor and make sure to have
12V between pin 3 and 1 on the
connector coming from SCM. If 12V
is present change the sensor, if not
change the SCM.