“Upload” and “Archive” buttons. The Archive button will download a zipped file of the device
settings. The Upload file can then be used to select one of these zipped files and apply the
saved settings.
Basic battery statistics are also listed. These values are approximate, though the more charge
and discharge cycles the battery does without being removed, the more accurate it will be.
Diagnostic battery statistics can also be displayed.
Sharing (Direct)
The CamRanger 2 is typically used with the CamRanger 2 application. However, there are a
couple options for transferring images without using the CamRanger software: printing with a
DNP wireless print server, or uploading to an FTP server.
Both methods and transferring images require an SD card and for the CamRanger to able to
communicate with DNP or FTP server. Typically this requires bridging into an existing network
as detailed in the WiFi configuration section.
© CamRanger, 2019
US Patent 9712688