and ISO, this process is automated for the user when a particular value is selected, though it
will take longer for the value to be set on the camera as it must be adjusted one step at a
time. For aperture, the user is presented with an up/down control to manually increment or
decrement the value.
Camera Actions
The red capture button initiates the camera trigger. The exact camera behavior is dependent
on the camera and camera properties, most importantly the capture mode. The continuous
capture mode operates di
erently for camera manufacturers. For most, it operates like
camera’s trigger, shots are taken as long as the capture
button is pressed. However, Nikon is di
erent in that if a
continuous shooting mode is selected, a burst number must
also be set. With each single capture press the specified
number of shots will then be taken.
For Canon and some Fuji and Sony cameras, a yellow button will appear at the top left of the
Capture button. This button is the equivalent of performing a “half-press” of the camera’s
shutter button. This is useful for getting auto focus and determining the camera’s exposure
metering. If the camera’s exposure mode is set to manual, the exposure meter will briefly
show the exposure level. If set to an automated exposure mode, the exposure parameters
calculated by the camera will be shown for a few seconds. For example, if in aperture priority,
the shutter speed calculated by the camera will be shown briefly.
For some cameras, a green dot may also appear to the upper right of the Capture button. This
is a focus indicator and a signal from the camera that the camera lens has acquired focus.
The auto / manual focus toggle button shows if the camera will attempt to focus as part of
capture. Depending on the camera and configuration the user may or may not be able to
change this.
The live view button toggles live view on and o
. Live view must be controlled from the
CamRanger and not from the camera.
© CamRanger, 2019
US Patent 9712688