Pos B
the defined number have to be done.
If "NONE" is chosen as card type, you can change the following parameters:
You can give every slot a name with up to 18 characters. Click on the
Hyperlink (in the picture beyond Rx1), a page to change this parameter will
be opened. Type in here the desired slot name and press the submit button.
To change the card-type, click on the field and a new page will be opened.
Now choose the desired parameter (RX, TX, NONE) from the drop-down-
menu and press the submit-button to pass the changed parameter to the
The page 'Setup' contains the sat-nms LFTXRX installation parameters. Installation parameters
are those which are assumed to be changed less frequently than the operational parameters on
configuration page
The page displays a table with the parameters actually set. Each parameter value is a hyper-link
to a separate page which lets you change this parameter. This parameter change page shows
the actual parameter setting either in an entry field or in a drop down box. You may change the
parameter to the desired value and then click to the 'Submit' button to pass the changed value to
the LFTXRX. The receiver automatically returns to the settings page when the parameter has
been changed.
To cancel a parameter modification you already started, either use the 'Back' button of you web
browser or click to the 'Config' button on navigation bar. Both returns to the config page without
changing the parameter you edited.
The table below lists the settings provided by this page.
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