If "TX" is chosen as card type, you can change the following parameters:
You can give every slot a name with up to 18 characters. Click on the
Hyperlink, a page to change this parameter will be opened. Type in here the
desired slot name and press the submit button.
Card Type
To change the card-type, click on the field and a new page will be opened.
Now choose the desired parameter (RX, TX, SW, NONE) from the drop-down-
menu and press the submit-button to pass the changed parameter to the
RF Offset
This parameter is a factory setting, that has not to be changed by the
customer. Depending on the LFTXRX chassis configuration the card has
different internal RF attenuation. This value defines the offset to guarantee
that the displayed value matches the real values at the I/O-RF-connectors
(without options about -62).
Diode RF
This parameter is a factory setting, that has not to be changed by the
customer. Depending on the LFTXRX chassis configuration the card has
different internal RF attenuation. This value defines the offset to guarantee
that the displayed value matches the real values at the I/O-RF-connectors
(without options about -42).
RF Thresh.
The RF threshold defines the RF fault level. If the RF level under-runs the
threshold, the RF threshold alarm is set. To change the value click on it and
enter the new RF threshold and press the submit button. Software-limits
configuration: <-90dBm will disable the Threshold Alarm, <-95dBm will also
disable the RF-card Alarm/Warning (Hardware Limit Card) at the Web-page
and the remote interface.
An integrated attenuator makes it possible to attenuate the RF-signal in 1dB-
steps from -16 to +15dB. The selected value is displayed here. If the
parameter 'Remote' is 'ON', you can easily change the attenuation value by
clicking on the Hyperlink, a page to change this parameter will be opened.
Select in here the desired gain and press the submit button.
(C) 2021, SatService GmbH
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