Vanguard 3000 Multicarrier Cellular Data Modem & IP Router PN 134732-VG3000 Rev. D| Page 20
Serial Number
The router serial number is a unique ID assigned when the product was built.
Board ID
Unit motherboard identifier.
Model Number
Unit model number defining its capabilities and features.
The name of the router provided by the operating system.
Firmware Version
The versions of the top-level component firmware packages in the router OS.
Kernel Version
The version of the Linux kernel in the router OS.
Local Time
The current system time observed by the router. Source may be from the configured NTP server or the GPS
receiver, if installed.
The time since the router was last rebooted.
Load Average
The average number of processes in a runnable or non-interruptible state for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
The current memory usage, broken out into Total Available, Free, Cached and Buffered categories.
DHCP Leases
The list of IPv4 leases given out to clients on the wired or wireless LAN interfaces by the DHCP server.
Associated Stations
Currently bounded Access Point information.
MAC-address of clients which are connected.
SSID of clients which are connected.