Vanguard 3000 Multicarrier Cellular Data Modem & IP Router PN 134732-VG3000 Rev. D| Page 54
an existing tunnel (these are displayed in the Tunnel Configuration Table), click the Edit button to the right of
the table entry and the saved values are displayed for editing.
Check Enable to enable a tunnel.
Server IP Address
The public IP address of the remote IPsec server or the firewall in front of the IPsec server.
Remote ID
The IP address of the remote IPsec server. Usually empty if the IPsec server is not behind a firewall.
Remote Subnet
Enter the IP address/mask of the network(s) beyond the Server IP Address.
More than one remote subnet can be specified -- each subnet must be separated by a comma ',' and no spaces
are allowed.
One subnet:
Many subnets:,,
IMPORTANT: The Remote Subnet and Local Subnet addresses must not overlap!
Local ID
The IPSec server may require that your end of the tunnel identifies itself. Configure this end, if needed.
Local Subnet
Enter an IP address/mask of the local LAN whose are packets are to be encrypted and sent over the tunnel.
(LAN Settings » Bind to Eth IP may need to be enabled to make sure that packets generated by Vanguard
services appear to originate from the local LAN address.).
IMPORTANT: The Remote Subnet and Local Subnet addresses must not overlap!
Phase 1 Proposal
Select an entry from the Proposal table.
Pre-shared Key
Predetermined key known to both the local unit and the remote side prior to establishing the tunnel.
Data Compression
Select if data compression is desired.
Dead Peer Detect Delay
Tunnel keep alive time for R_U_THERE packets during idle periods.
Dead Peer Detect Timeout
Timeout time during tunnel idle periods where no R_U_THERE_ACK has been received.
Dead Peer Detection Action
Action to be taken when timeout value is reached.