Clear Over-Temperature Protection
When Over-Temperature Protection occurs, the instrument responds as
Instrument output is off.
The buzzer sounds 3 times intermittently with intermittence of 2 seconds.
The interface displays “Under Current Protect” or “Fan Failure” and flashes
or the failure of the temperature sensor "Temp Sensor Failure";
Status register, the OT status bit is set to 1 or FAN_FAIL status bit is set to
To clear the OTP and return to normal operation, firstly remove the conditions
that caused the protection fault. Press [Esc] key (or send the command
PROTection:CLEar) to clear the protection status. The prompt displayed in front
panel is cleared and the instrument exits OTP status.
6.9 Set foldback protection
This series instrument comes with Foldback protection function for turning off
the output during CV/CC switch of the power supply to protect DUT sensitive to
voltage overshoot or current overshoot. Foldback protection allows users to
specify a working mode and set protection delay time. If there is any switch be-
tween existing working modes, the protection is triggered and the output is
turned off from the time when the working loop switches to trigger protection
and the delay time depletes.
Enable FOLDBACK function;
The existing loop is switched to set working mode, and the duration is longer
than the set protection delay time;
Enable FOLDBACK function
1. Press
(Protect) composite key, and enter the Protect configu-
ration menu page.
2. Rotate the knob to select
, and press
key to enter the
setting interface.
3. Rotate the knob to select
and press
If CC is selected, it indicates that the instrument triggers protection when
the running mode is switched to CC mode.
If CV is selected, it indicates that the instrument triggers protection when
the running mode is switched to CV mode.
If OFF is selected, it indicates that the foldback function is turned off.
Copyright © Itech Electronic Co., Ltd.