© Cobham Gaisler AB
Kungsgatan 12 | SE-411 19 Goteborg | Sweden
+46 31 7758650 | www.caes.com/gaisler
Document Data Sheet & User Manual
Feb 2022, Version 1.2
Oscillators and Clock Inputs
The oscillator and clock scheme for the
Board is shown in Figure 17. On
this board, all oscillators are soldered to the PCB, except for X3 which is an 8 pin DIL socket for a
user defined oscillator.
X1 provides a 20MHz oscillator input for the GR716 main input clock
X2 provides a 50MHzoscillator input for the GR716 Spacewire clock
Y1 is not fitted, but could be used as a Crystal for the internal GR716 oscillator.
X3 is a DIL8 socket for a user defined oscillator input to the FPGA
X4 is a 300MHz LVDS differential clock input to the FPGA. This clock is used internally by the
FPGA to generate the Clocks for the DDR3 memory interface.
X5 is a 156.25MHz LVDS differential clock input to the FPGA. This clock is used internally by the
FPGA to generate the Clocks for the GTH high speed serial transceivers.
Y2 is a 12.00 MHz crystal input for the FTDI USB/Serial interface chip
Y3 & Y4 are 25.00 MHz crystal inputs for the ETH0 and ETH1 Ethernet PHY chips respectively.
The F1_GC_CLK, F1_CLK_M2C and F1_CLK_C2M are clock interfaces routed between the FPGA
and FMC connector for possible future use, depending on the FPGA and FMC board logic